Various calamities and catastrophes are coming more and more often, and it costs mankind very dearly, because people lose their loved ones. In emergency situations, there is a risk to life and health. Therefore, you must have information on how to behave during a disaster in order to protect your life and the lives of those around you.

Step 1
In the event of any malfunctions, the aircraft will make an emergency landing. Do not panic under any circumstances, bend forward and grab your head with both hands. Quickly remove all jewelry and sharp objects from yourself. If you have a child with you, hold him tightly to you. Follow all the instructions of the crew and the commander of the ship, do not get up from the seat until the air transport has come to a complete stop. Try to convince people not to panic and run around the plane, this is how alignment is disturbed.
Step 2
When the aircraft has stopped moving and has landed, exit in the proper order using escape hatches and inflatable ramps. Help the wounded people and children get out, try to get away from the plane as far as possible and lie on the ground, cover your head with your hands. Thus, you will be saved from shrapnel in a fuel explosion. Then give first aid to injured people.
Step 3
During a train crash, group up and wrap your head in both hands to avoid serious injuries and fractures. If the car starts to roll over, put your feet firmly on the top shelf and hold on to the stationary part of the car with your hands. At the same time, close your eyes tightly so that fragments of broken glass do not fall into them. If at this moment a child is with you, turn him to face you and press with one hand, covering his head.
Step 4
When the carriage regains stability, take a close look and find ways to get off the train. If there is no danger of fire, do not rush to get out, provide first aid to the victims of this disaster, do not panic. Get out of the carriage one by one, let the women and children pass forward. Take money and documents with you, things can be left on the train by setting up a two-person guard.
Step 5
If the car is overturned and there is a risk of fire, squeeze out the glass or knock it out with a metal object. Before getting out, clean the debris from the frame to avoid injury. Pull out children and injured persons in your hands, move away from the train at a safe distance.
Step 6
If your ship is sinking, quickly remove from yourself and loved ones shoes and tight clothing, put on life jackets. Do not panic, listen and follow all the instructions of the ship's captain. If you have time, take the documents and, wrapping them in plastic, put them under your underwear. Climb onto the deck and get into the boats one at a time (letting the children and women go ahead).
Step 7
If there is not enough space in the boat, find any object that keeps afloat (be it a large plastic bottle, board or circle) and jump into the water with your feet down. Swim away from the side of the ship for two hundred meters, otherwise you may be sucked under the bottom of the ship. Try to get together as a group and help each other in organizing the rescue. To restore blood circulation, do self-massage of the legs and arms, save your strength, fight for life in all ways until help arrives.