It is always difficult to decide where to keep your money - at home or in the bank. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages. If the choice fell on keeping your savings at home, you need to come up with an unusual place that would be difficult for intruders to find.

Where is safer
The issue of keeping money always causes a lot of controversy. Someone is in a hurry to take their savings to the bank, while someone, on the contrary, does not trust financial institutions and prefers to keep money at home. It is difficult to say where it is safer to keep your savings - in a bank or at home. However, those who chose the second option should take care that third parties do not find out about the cache. There are many interesting and original places to store your savings and valuables.
The most common mistake many people make is choosing storage locations that are well known to everyone, including hackers. These are commonplace places - books, a mattress, a hiding place under a painting. To be calm about your values, it is better to use your imagination and come up with more original places.
Where you don't need to hide money
You should not hide money, jewelry, securities in books, under a mattress, in a closet with clothes, on a mezzanine, in a chest of drawers - the first thing thieves will look for is there.
Also, avoid places like AV equipment, as thieves can take out the equipment without even knowing that there is money there.
Don't hide money in places you might forget about. This often happens when money is placed in books or when a careful owner buries a "treasure" in the yard or in the garden.
Unusual places to store money
The Russian people do not occupy originality, therefore the places for storing money and valuables can be the most unusual. For example, you can hide money in a flower pot, in a hole specially made for this in the interior door, a cistern in the toilet, some people attach money to the bottom of dog and cat bowls, hide it under a suspended ceiling, sew it into curtains or store it under floorboards. There are people who, like the heroes of "12 chairs", hide their money under the upholstery of furniture. There were cases when dollars were pasted over the wall and pasted over with wallpaper.
Some careless owners hid money in washing machines and dishwashers, as a result of which banknotes often deteriorated.
Interesting studies were carried out on the storage of money, during which it turned out that women more than representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer to keep money at home. More than 50% of female respondents spoke in favor of not parting with their savings. Fewer than 50% of men were thrifty owners, while the majority reported that they don’t make “nest egg” in principle.