What Is Time

What Is Time
What Is Time

Table of contents:


Many thinkers of different eras have tried to answer the question of what time is. But there was no clear opinion on this matter. Time is so many-sided and interesting that there are still discussions about its essence.

What is time
What is time


Step 1

Time is perceived differently by everyone. For example, a mechanic will say that time is movement. The astrophysicist will disagree with him, stating that this is an expansion of the universe. The biologist will say that time is life, and the historian, on the contrary, will answer that every minute brings you closer to death. And they will all be right. Looking at time from different angles gives different definitions of it. They can contradict a friend, but still remain faithful.

Step 2

Time is a manifestation of the World as such. He appears, changing, but these changes do not occur suddenly, but over time. If it did not exist, then the transformations would not be noticeable, they would not exist at all. Moreover, in this understanding, we are talking about changes not only external, but also internal, those that occur in the person himself.

Step 3

Time is a way of measuring itself. Proceeding from the fact that the concept under consideration is quite abstract, then a definition can be given to it only by measuring it. Such a measure is a clock invented in the distant past, and is being improved to this day. When a person remembers time, a mechanism immediately comes to mind that demonstrates its course. Here we can already talk about hours, minutes and seconds, which are called upon to materialize time to some extent.

Step 4

Time is also a construct of the human mind. Only with its help a person can compare events, arrange them in chronological order, assess their significance, correlate some changes with others.

Step 5

The whole complexity of the concept of time lies in the fact that it cannot be characterized unambiguously. What's this? Does it exist independently of a person or is it part of his consciousness? There are times when time runs extremely fast, and sometimes, on the contrary, it stretches like a turtle. Although it may take the same number of minutes, they will be perceived in completely different ways.
