Thinking Like A Criminal - How Is It?

Thinking Like A Criminal - How Is It?
Thinking Like A Criminal - How Is It?

Many people think that a person who commits a crime does not think at all about his actions and their consequences. This is wrong! With the exception of crimes committed in a state of passion, criminals always have a clear plan for their crime, they have a clear understanding of what they are committing and why. All their actions are thought out to the smallest detail and carefully weighed.

Thinking like a criminal - how is it?
Thinking like a criminal - how is it?

Reasons pushing for a crime

A person will never commit a crime just like that, there are certain reasons for this.

Self defense

Defending against an attack, a person is fully confident that he is right and acts solely for the purpose of self-defense. At the same time, he does not take into account the factor that, in a fit of rage, he himself turns from a victim into a criminal. He does not consider the possibility of solving the problem peacefully and himself administers justice.


An insecure, closed and vulnerable person at the moment of a crime thinks that he, too, has the right to have what his victim has and does not understand why he is worse and why he cannot have these benefits, because he is the same person and deserves better … The only problem is that due to his insecurity, he cannot achieve anything by his own labor. It is difficult for him to find a common language with employers, and he believes that it is easier to steal than to make money, because this way he does not need to explain anything or make an effort.


Many men commit deliberate crimes, fearing to fall in the eyes of a woman, not having a luxurious car and a lot of wealth. They are sure that in this way you can easily and quickly appear in front of a woman in a favorable light. Only this situation is getting worse every day, and it becomes more and more difficult to get out. The only way out is to escape from problems, from justice and from oneself, entangled in a lie.


A person in dire need of food or money for medicine thinks only about how to find food and the necessary medicines. He decides to commit a crime, justifying himself by the fact that this is the only way to survive.


The crimes committed out of a sense of revenge are the most deliberate and carefully planned. The offender thinks logically and consistently, believing that he has the right to administer justice over the one who offended or insulted him.

Think like a criminal

On the one hand, in order to think like a criminal, you need to be in the same situation as him, to feel weak and humiliated, to experience need and deprivation. On the other hand, there is a branch of psychology dealing with behavioral analysis. Specialists in this field are able to penetrate into the thoughts of a criminal, to determine his motives. To do this, they thoroughly study every step of the maniac, trying to think like him. In some cases, using such methods, they manage to track down and catch him, to save possible future victims.
