Indian summer is one of the most anticipated periods in the fall. After all, it is at this time that you can finally enjoy warm sunny days before the long winter. Today, almost any manifestation of sunny weather in the fall is called Indian summer. Although, in fact, this period has a clear framework.

You can look at what an Indian summer is from several different angles. For example, it is traditionally believed that Indian summer is a period of warm and dry weather, which is observed in September-October.
From the point of view of the compilers of one of the dictionaries of the Russian language, Indian summer is a time of dry and clear autumn, when a spider web flies in the air.
Meteorologists claim that Indian summer is a period of stable anticyclonic weather that can be observed in early autumn. It is characterized by insignificant night cooling, which does not allow to freeze yet, but at the same time knocks down the daytime temperature so that it becomes optimal and leaves the "heat" indicator.
What is Indian Summer
The concept of "Indian summer" is not only in Russia. There is a mention of him in Germany, as well as in other German-speaking countries, in Bulgaria, Serbia, Holland, North America, etc. And everywhere this period of time bears different names. So, for example, it is called "Gypsy summer", "Indian summer", "St. Martin's summer", etc.
The duration of Indian summer is on average 2-3 weeks. It begins in mid-September. However, various variations are quite possible, since the weather can be completely unpredictable.
You can take Central Russia as a landmark. Here Indian summer usually begins on September 14th. In Europe, this period comes later. South of Russia meets Indian summer in early October.
The name "Indian Summer" was given to this period in honor of women who, according to legend, have the power to bring back the seasons.
The average temperature typical for Indian summer is + 25-27 degrees. The weather is always dry and sunny. Moreover, Indian summer can easily come even after a fairly strong cold snap.
Signs of Indian summer
There are a number of different superstitions and signs associated with Indian summer. After all, this time was used to determine the weather, illness, luck, etc.
So, for example, if a rainbow appears during this period, autumn will be warm and protracted. If it rains during this period, you should tune in to bad weather.
Believe it or not in the signs of Indian summer, everyone's business. However, it should be borne in mind that signs are usually formulated on the basis of observations and drawing up parallels between the phenomenon and the effect.
What cannot be considered an Indian summer
Often, absolutely any warm period that only appears in the fall is called Indian summer. In fact, yellowed and reddened leaves on trees are considered one of the brightest signs of Indian summer. Calling warming, when the trees still have green foliage, Indian summer is fundamentally wrong.