How Will The Sanity Check Of Officials Be Carried Out?

How Will The Sanity Check Of Officials Be Carried Out?
How Will The Sanity Check Of Officials Be Carried Out?

The maximum age for civil servants is currently 65 years, but this level is planned to be raised to 70. Taking this into account, the deputies of the United Russia party proposed to check the sanity of officials who have reached the age of 65.

How will the sanity check of officials be carried out?
How will the sanity check of officials be carried out?

Deputies from United Russia explain the idea of checking officials for sanity by the fact that with age, many people have mental abnormalities, which is especially dangerous in the case of government officials endowed with powers. If an official, upon reaching the age of 65, wants to continue working in the public service, he will have to undergo a mandatory psychiatric examination. Representatives of "United Russia" propose to legislate this provision, providing for the mechanisms of dismissal from office in case of detection of mental disorders.

The proposal of the deputies of "United Russia" immediately found both supporters and opponents. Opponents, in particular, argue that the new law may become a way for the authorities to fight objectionable officials who cannot be removed from office by legal means. And given the corruption inherent in Russian health care, this law, if adopted, will be useless in its intended purpose, since an official can simply pay for the result of the check he needs.

Many deputies in United Russia itself object to the idea put forward. In particular, Mikhail Markelov believes that if the law is passed, officials should pass the inspection voluntarily. True, in this case, the law will lose its meaning, since it will not be possible to remove from office a mentally abnormal official who did not want to see a doctor.

Some experts find the idea useful, but suggest expanding it by introducing the need for psychiatric screening for all civil servants, regardless of age. At the same time, it can be made voluntary, but with one caveat - without passing a psychiatric examination, an official will not be able to count on further promotion. It is this version of the new law that can be considered the most promising: the possibility of using it for reprisals against the unwanted will disappear, and undergoing examination by a doctor will be absolutely voluntary. But if a civil servant expects to make a career, he will have to visit a psychiatrist from time to time.
