Not a single large construction site can do without the preparation of a concrete mixture. To obtain a solution, a special device is used - a concrete mixer. Its principle of operation is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

A concrete mixer is a device with which concrete mortars and cement-concrete mixtures are created. This unit is used on construction sites, not only on large-scale, but also on individual ones (for example, the construction of a country house). The concrete mixer allows you to mix cement with water, as well as with fillers such as crushed stone, expanded clay, sand, etc.
The principle of operation of a concrete mixer
The device has two main parts: a container for the constituent elements of the solution and a mixing mechanism. This is a standard design and does not depend on the dimensions of the concrete mixer itself.
The very scheme of work is quite simple: the builders fill the tank with the constituent parts of the future concrete and turn on the blades of the mechanism. It takes from 5 to 15 minutes to mix the contents, depending on the volume of all components and the power of the concrete mixer. When the concrete is ready, the device stops automatically. To drain the resulting solution, the container of the concrete mixer is brought closer to the empty tank and tilted.
In most cases, such units are made in the form of a double cone drum. Inside it there are blades that provide mixing and pouring of the mixture. Such a concrete mixer is very effective: it allows mixing not only ordinary mortars, but also concrete mixtures of increased rigidity.
There are also more powerful devices for making concrete. Some of them have a continuous mode of action, and some make it possible to make a solution with a volume of more than 300 liters. Such concrete mixers are purchased by concrete mixing plants. In addition, they are used in concrete mixing plants.
Types of concrete mixers
Such mixers can have different operating principles: gravitational and forced. In the first case, the constituent elements of the future concrete solution are placed in a drum, which is raised and lowered in turn. Such movements lead to the fact that the substances are mixed and the finished product is formed. Concrete mixers of this type can be disassembled into separate parts. This feature helps you move your device to a different location if needed.
If we are talking about a forced-action concrete mixer, then the components of the solution are mixed with four blades. To drain the finished mixture, move the shutter, having previously prepared a free container.