If you find a pin, an egg, black feathers, earth or any other suspicious thing under your door, someone's witchcraft manipulations are directed against you. For superstitious people, such "surprises" are called lining.

The lining can be located not only near the front door. It can be any of the things unexpectedly found on the street or in the apartment. Very often, metal things are used in this way to induce damage: pins, needles, nails, hairpins, etc. It happens that charmed needles are imperceptibly stuck into doorways, and pins into clothes. Nails are driven into the door or thrown. Sometimes metal objects are wrapped with threads, casting a slander on them. Esotericists consider such underlays not yet the most terrible, since their effect is not too strong.
The second most common use is salt and earth. Salt is a powerful accumulator of energy, it is added with the aim of causing family discord and illness. The earth is taken from the cemetery and placed with a death wish to the recipient of the "surprise". In some cases, salt and earth can be found not only outside the threshold, but also in the apartment itself, for example, under the rug. Sometimes they are even rubbed into crevices and doorways.
In third place in terms of frequency of use are feathers, dead midges and other insects. Feathers are placed in order to cause poor sleep in the victim, midges - a disease. Usually, all this is not brought into the apartment, but is left outside the threshold, with the expectation that the victim will step on the lining.
The most terrifying of all things that are spoken of by superstitious people is the egg. There is an opinion that the one who touches him will soon die - no later than in 4 days.
There are options that are not targeted at a specific victim. They can be money or other things left on the street. Thus, the diseases of witches are transferred to other people. Those who believe in superstition are afraid to pick up orphaned bills, so as not to take the proclaimed disease with them.
At crossroads, various things are also sometimes left: coins, threads, shoes, handfuls of stones, etc. It is enough just to step over them for witchcraft to work.
How to protect yourself from the negative effects of linings? The most commonplace way is disbelief in magic and everything connected with it. However, if such belief is present, one must be careful, do not touch suspicious things with bare hands, do not step over them. If you find something in your apartment or under the door, put on gloves, take a broom and a scoop, sweep the lining, take it away from the house and burn it. It is also advisable to burn everything that came into contact with the witchcraft, for example, a broom and a scoop. You can read a prayer while doing this.