Why Monday Is The Hardest Day Of The Week

Why Monday Is The Hardest Day Of The Week
Why Monday Is The Hardest Day Of The Week

Almost half of the inhabitants of our planet do not smile on Monday until 11 o'clock in the morning, as evidenced by sociological research. However, Monday is not only a “sad” day, on the first day of the week 50% of employees are late for work, and productivity lasts only for 3, 5-4 hours.

Why Monday is the hardest day of the week
Why Monday is the hardest day of the week

Monday from the point of view of scientists

The Monday syndrome affects people in the 45 to 54 age range. Somnologists cite a simple chain of biorhythm disturbances, if a person habitually wakes up at 6 in the morning, and on weekends allows himself to sleep until 12, then weekly he shifts his time zones forward, and then again 6 hours back. The result will not be long in coming - drowsiness, bad mood and an endless desire to complain. On Monday morning people lose about an hour and a half on their own complaints and claims, while on other days it takes only a quarter of an hour to “whine”.

Scientists, in turn, confirmed the hypothesis that when the biorhythm is disturbed, the brain works two times slower, which is why the first three working hours are extremely difficult to concentrate and choose a vector of activity not only for a whole week, but also for a day.

Magic of monday

Monday is the day of the moon, which has long been considered the benefactor of witchcraft and magic. Fear of falling under the influence of evil spirits forced our ancestors to postpone new business and travel for other days. What is left to do? Make the first day of the week a planning day.

Fight with the enemy

Early awakening will help to overcome the Monday "illness". For some, this may sound like a sentence, but your body will appreciate the opportunity to soak up a little in bed with gratitude. Getting out of bed abruptly triggers the release of a large amount of adrenaline, which, in turn, awakens aggression and nervousness. Add 20-30 minutes to your usual morning routine to “turn on” the body.

Train yourself to perform morning procedures “on the machine” and do not overload your brain with unnecessary reflections. A prerequisite is a hearty breakfast. Avoid eating sugary and too fatty foods. A large amount of carbohydrates will not allow you to get enough and after a couple of hours the idea of a snack will arise in your head.

The ritual of your choice will help you get involved in the work, for example, cleaning unnecessary papers from the table, greeting colleagues and a cup of tea. Set aside a quarter of an hour to prioritize the day. And in any case, do not deviate from your plan, this will help you get at least the minimum productivity of the first day.

Monday shouldn't be a long and hard sailing trip from your ship to the ocean. It's better if you can arrange a soft start.
