The fat woman is a houseplant native to South Africa, which is also popularly called the "money tree". Like any plant, it will grow where the most suitable conditions for its life are created. It is believed that the higher the money tree, the more wealth there will be in the family. But sometimes the plant begins to shed its leaves, or even stops growing altogether and dies. This happens from incorrect pruning, or even from its absence.

Step 1
The most important thing for the successful growth of this miracle tree is to create a balance of water and light, and also to monitor its correct growth. In general, the fat woman is a rarely cultivated plant. But, if there is a need to trim the twigs a little, then it is better to do this procedure during the period of greater plant growth and active sap flow
Step 2
Prune the bastard in cases where the tree grows upward, and not to the sides. For better growth of the side branches, it is necessary to remove the uppermost bud, which received a large amount of nutrients and therefore developed rapidly. After its removal, the development of the lower kidneys will begin. New branches with their own buds will soon grow out of them. It is important to ensure that all upper kidneys are fed evenly. This is easy to see: if one of the branches grows faster, it means that it has begun to receive more nutrition. To prevent the crown from deteriorating, this kidney should be cut off.
Step 3
In winter, the plant usually stops growing. By cutting off the top bud in winter, there will be little chance of new branches developing. If, nevertheless, new shoots have crawled out, due to lack of light, they will be elongated and ugly.
But if you cut the fat woman in the spring, the growth of the buds will be uniform, and the plant will become lush.
Step 4
If your plant does not require radical cutting, and you just want to correct its crown, cut off crooked or twisted branches - trim them to the point of curvature. After some time, the place of the trimming will become invisible under the fresh sprouts, which will come out immediately after trimming.
Step 5
Thin twigs and dried leaves should be pinched with nails. After such a light haircut, there will be no stumps left on the plant, and the broken off places will quickly "heal" and give way to new healthy shoots.
Trim hard places with scissors or pruning shears.