Old car tires, with proper operation and minor preliminary processing, can turn into useful devices for a summer cottage or yard.

The reuse of used car tires is controversial due to the potential toxicity of rubber. However, according to the federal classifier on environmental waste regulation, used tires belong to the IV hazard class, i.e. considered to be of low hazard. It is still not worth making interior items from old tires, but tires are quite suitable for crafts used outdoors or not in residential premises.
Drain well
Old tires from trucks, due to the size and thickness of the rubber, will come in handy in the budgetary arrangement of septic facilities at a summer cottage. The advantage of such septic tanks is that there is no need for regular pumping of liquid household waste.
To create a drain well from old tires, you will need a foundation pit, the diameter of which is 10 cm larger than the size of the tires used. The average depth of the excavation usually allows you to place about 6-8 tires. The bottom of the future well must be drained with crushed stone or gravel with a layer of 20-35 cm. A plastic outlet pipe with small holes is placed in the prepared well, through which water will seep.
So that the inner parts of the tires do not trap waste and do not become covered with silt, they are cut off with a sharp knife or power tool, after which they are tightly placed in the pit. In one of the upper tires, it is necessary to cut holes for a sewer pipe that diverts liquid waste from a house or bath.
If a large volume of water drainage is planned with the likelihood of silt formation or the use of a well for draining waste from a toilet, then it is advisable to prepare a two-chamber well: one chamber for settling solid waste, the second for collecting waste liquid. Communication between both chambers is provided by a drain pipe coming out of the settling pit.
After laying the tires, the free gaps around the walls of the well are densely covered with sand, gravel, broken brick and earth. The finished well is covered with a lid, if desired, a small ventilation hole is mounted.
Water storage
The simplest water reservoir for watering plants is made from several old, large tires, which have the inner edge cut off to increase the volume of the "barrel" and prevent the formation of sludge.
A bottom is cut out of a steel sheet, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the tires, fastening holes are drilled in the metal and fixed with bolts on one of the tires.
The rest of the tires are installed on top of each other and connected to each other and to the lower tire with bolts. To ensure tightness, it is recommended to coat the joints with hot tar. To drain the water, an ordinary water tap is cut into one of the tires and fixed from the inside with a nut, under which, for reliability, a washer is placed in the form of a small metal strip.