How To Grow A Chinese Rose

How To Grow A Chinese Rose
How To Grow A Chinese Rose

Table of contents:


The Chinese rose is a type of hibiscus, a mallow shrub grown as a houseplant for its lush, brightly colored flowers. With sufficient care, hibiscus blooms can be admired from spring to autumn. The Chinese rose is propagated by seeds or cuttings.

How to grow a Chinese rose
How to grow a Chinese rose


  • - hibiscus cuttings;
  • - leafy ground;
  • - peat land;
  • - sand;
  • - humus earth;
  • - sod land;
  • - drainage.


Step 1

To grow hibiscus from cuttings, young shoots about ten centimeters long with three to four leaves are used. They should be cut in July-August. If the selected shoot has large leaves, trim off half of the leaf plate. This way the cutting will evaporate less water.

Step 2

You can root cuttings of a Chinese rose in water or a damp substrate. To root in water, place the shoot in an opaque container of water. However, it has been noticed that plants rooted in water grow much worse than those hibiscus that were rooted in the substrate.

Step 3

To root the shoots in the substrate, sprinkle a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the container. Put soil on it, consisting of an equal amount of leaf, peat soil and washed sand. Moisten the substrate, plant the cuttings in it and cover them with glass jars. Within a month, shoots will take root.

Step 4

Rooted hibiscus can be planted in pots. To do this, mix soil from one part of sand, the same amount of humus earth, three parts of leafy soil and four parts of turf soil. Young plant pots should be no more than nine centimeters in diameter.

Step 5

A well-lit windowsill is suitable for a Chinese rose, but it should be protected from strong sunlight. The temperature in the room where the plant is located should not fall below twelve degrees. To maintain the humidity of the air, the Chinese rose should be sprayed with warm water.

Step 6

In the spring, transplant the plant into a larger pot and cut the branches to a third of their length.

Step 7

Water the Chinese rose regularly as the soil dries up. With a sharp change in watering, lighting or humidity, the plant may shed leaves or buds.

Step 8

Until the age of five, hibiscus are transplanted every year, increasing the diameter of the pot. It is best to replant this plant in April. More mature Chinese roses are transplanted every three to four years.
