How To Check A Love Spell To Yourself

How To Check A Love Spell To Yourself
How To Check A Love Spell To Yourself

Sometimes situations arise in our life that cannot be explained otherwise than by the intervention of supernatural forces. On the other hand, writing off everything on magic and a love spell, a person involuntarily relieves himself of responsibility for his fate and goes “with the flow”. Having determined whether there is a love spell for yourself or not, you take control of the situation.

How to check a love spell
How to check a love spell

There are several ways to determine the love spell to yourself. Many of them involve contacting a specialist - a person who studies subtle matters. Unfortunately, there are a lot of charlatans in this area. Therefore, when choosing a specialist, be sure to ask for feedback from people who have already received help from him.

How to check a love spell to yourself using silver and a candle

In order to check if there is a love spell, prepare a silver object, for example, a ring or a spoon. You will also need a church candle, preferably a wax candle. The ritual is carried out without strangers, so wait for a convenient moment so that no one distracts you.

Turn off everything that can distract you at the most crucial moment: the TV, the telephone, and even the doorbell. Take a comfortable position, take a lighted candle in your right hand, and squeeze a silver object in your left.

Relax as much as possible and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. Concentrate fully on your calm, measured breathing. Make sure that the candle flame is flush with the line of the heart.

Watch what happens to the candle for ten minutes. If the flame burns evenly, and the wax runs off in transparent streaks, then, most likely, the signs of the love spell that alarmed you are symptoms of something else.

But if the flame of a candle rushes about, sparks, crumbles into sparks, and the wax is smoked and drips off with black streaks, we can say that you are experiencing the consequences of a love spell. In order to gain complete confidence, repeat the ritual again after a few days.

How to check a love spell to yourself using a gold ring

One of the easiest ways to find out if a love spell is to yourself is to test the gold ring.

For this ritual, any gold ring is suitable, including your wedding. Remove it from your hand, clean it thoroughly with a special product, or simply wash it with laundry soap. The cleaned ring should dry completely. And at this time, you will cleanse your face. Even if you do it with lotions all the time, limit yourself to washing your face with regular soap this time.

The ritual is very simple. Take a gold ring and gently run it over your face. Try to do this without pressure, so that the metal of the ring barely touches the skin.

Now put the ring aside and carefully study the result of the ritual. If the ring mark is white or not visible at all, there is nothing to worry about. But if, in the process of manipulating the gold ring, a gray or even black mark remains on the skin, we can say that you have become a victim of the influence on your etheric body.
