Where Can I Find An Accurate Weather Forecast

Where Can I Find An Accurate Weather Forecast
Where Can I Find An Accurate Weather Forecast

The weather often forces you to cancel your appointments and summer barbecues, dragging the sun into clouds at the most inopportune moment. Previously, the weather forecast was read in the newspaper and listened to on the radio, now they are found in Internet publications and on the websites of meteorological services.

Where can I find an accurate weather forecast
Where can I find an accurate weather forecast

In search of an accurate weather forecast, you can go through a dozen sites, but the truth is always hidden in the analysis of several sources at the same time - weather forecasting methods are probabilistic and are based on statistical data, which can sometimes be incomplete. The older the source and the more experience in determining the weather is behind it, the more likely the correct result is.

Russian meteosites

The Gismeteo website remains the leader in weather forecasting in Russia. It is recommended to friends for its informativeness - predictions most often correspond to reality. On this site you can see the layout by hours, days, weeks and throughout the month, get acquainted with the maps of precipitation and air temperature over different regions of the country - and find information about the geomagnetic situation, which is especially important for people suffering from meteorological dependence. A short excerpt from the weather forecast is located on the left side of the main page and catches the eye immediately upon entering the site - in it you can find the current temperature in your area, humidity, pressure, wind strength and water temperature, if there is a river in the city or an outlet to the sea. The city is determined automatically, but you can change it if you want to see the weather in a different place. The site has the ability to download applications for mobile devices and add-ons to popular browsers (Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome), which will allow you to receive weather information without visiting the site.

Yandex also provides weather forecasts, specializing primarily in current forecasts for the day and for the next week. In the detailed information section, it provides four measurements of temperature for each day (morning, afternoon, evening, night), moon phase, pressure, humidity and wind strength. A bonus of this service is the convenient integration of the Yandex. Weather service with Yandex. Maps, thanks to which you can see a brief summary of the weather in the layout for different points of the city and even neighboring cities.

The Meteonovosti website and the MeteoWeb.ru Internet magazine are considered less popular.

Foreign weather sites

Of the overseas weather forecasting sites, Intellicast is the most trusted site, primarily in the United States, but tracking the weather around the world. Its advantage is a huge base of countries and cities, it is perfect for forecasting the weather for your vacation somewhere, for example, in Egypt or near the Mediterranean Sea.

The Weather service, related to the American Weather Channel, also focuses on America and is not always able to accurately determine your location in Russia or Ukraine. His specialization is not only weather forecasts, but also news about the weather - its features, accidents and disasters in different parts of the world.
