Lead has been known since ancient times. Archaeologists quite often find figures of deities and ornaments from this material. Lead is also popular in our time - for example, lead weights are made from it for fishing tackle. This metal melts quite easily, so figurines, beads and bracelets are cast from it. However, lead has a rather significant drawback: it very quickly becomes covered with an oxide film and loses its luster.

What is needed for this?
An oxide film on a lead product appears rather quickly after melting. It is completely useless to clean it mechanically - it is a rather laborious process. In addition, the cleaned surface will also quickly begin to oxidize. The following substances can be used to protect sinkers, figurines, beads or electrical connectors:
- sunflower oil;
- graphite grease;
- varnish.
Also prepare a pack of paper towels, and for working with acid - chemical dishes, gloves and a respirator.
Home and industrial methods
There is literally a homemade way to protect a lead surface from corrosion. There is always sunflower oil on the farm. Pour it into a bowl and dip the newly melted figurine into it. Let it sit for about five minutes, take it out, put it on a layer of napkins and let it dry.
In production, to protect lead parts from oxidation, it is usually used in a word, where industrial oil is sold. You can also order graphite grease through the online store. The lead product will retain its shine for a long time.
If the product is large, you can simply wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.
Fishing varnishes
You can cover a lead figurine and metal varnish. In a store that sells goods for anglers, there is often a special "fishing" varnish designed for just such a purpose. Colors come in a wide variety of colors, but if you want to retain the metallic sheen, colorless is more suitable for you. The industry also produces fluorescent "fishing" varnishes.
Get rid of oxide
If there is already an oxide film on the surface, it can be removed with concentrated acid. Remember that it is better to use chemical glassware for chemical experiments. A regular glass jar may not be strong enough, and the use of metal or plastic objects is completely undesirable. Do not forget about the safety precautions - you need to work with caustic acids with gloves. A protective mask is also desirable. Dip the object in acid, wait until the oxide film disappears. Drain off the acid carefully. Let the product dry, then grease it with oil, graphite grease or varnish. When working with lead, remember that this material is toxic.