Why Does The Clock Change?

Why Does The Clock Change?
Why Does The Clock Change?

Residents of more than seven dozen countries on our planet, twice a year, in an organized way, turn the hands of their clocks by one hour, and many electronic gadgets and computers do this without human intervention. This is by no means caused by the desire of adult uncles, aunts and the computer mind to play time travel, but by the concern for preserving the natural resources of our planet and saving our own family budget.

Why does the clock change?
Why does the clock change?

More than 500 years ago, with the filing of a Pole by the name of Copernicus, the first scientific revolution began, during which revolutionary scientists found out that the Lord does not directly control the movement of the luminaries, but trusts it to the laws of physics. Physical laws are not inclined to organize the rotation of the Earth around the Sun in the way that is convenient for people, therefore, our planet moves in its orbit, as it were, waddling, slightly turning (by about 23 °) in the direction of the star, then one of its crown, then the other. Because of this, the duration of light and dark time in days during the year (one revolution around the Sun) changes, causing certain inconveniences.

Of course, people organized these inconveniences themselves, tying the beginning of the working day to the clock - for example, if a shift at a factory starts at 8 am, then workers wake up at 7, regardless of whether it is light at this time (in summer) or dark (in winter).). At the same time, in winter, everyone whose working day starts early spend additional electricity for lighting at home, in transport, at the enterprise. When economists calculated how much more electricity was spent on lighting in the winter, many governments were concerned with the idea of saving overhead by driving twilight. To do this, you just need to postpone the beginning of the working day in the winter for an hour and return it back to the summer. Therefore, by order of their government, the inhabitants of many states twice a year in an organized way move the hands of the clock - an hour back in the fall and an hour forward in the spring.

However, this method of saving energy has a detrimental side effect. In six months, the human body manages to get used to the daily cycle of life, shifted by an hour, and each successive shift causes him a shock, the severity of the consequences of which depends on individual abilities for quick adaptation. Therefore, in different countries, the obligatory translation of arrows is either introduced or canceled, depending on the economic situation and the government's need to take care of the health of citizens from the point of view of the current political situation in the state. For example, in Germany, "winter time" was introduced during the crisis caused by the First World War, and after its end it was canceled and reintroduced with the outbreak of World War II. With the end of the war, the shooters were again left alone and remembered about the savings with the onset of the oil crisis. Etc.
