Why Is The Danger Signal Red

Why Is The Danger Signal Red
Why Is The Danger Signal Red

At first glance, you might think that there is nothing special about the variety of colors. However, the nature and meaning of such signals is much more complex. They can be used to create a specific impression and to achieve the desired response.

Why is the danger signal red
Why is the danger signal red

Each color is capable of sending more than one signal variant. They can be both positive and negative. Can be used alone or in combination with three to four color profiles. Of all the main spectral colors, red is capable of causing one of the most powerful physiological reactions - an increase in heart rate. He will not allow you to pass by, immediately attracts your attention and controls the situation. The red color cannot be ignored. In various world cultures, it is called among the first, immediately after black and white. If we start from the concept of "warm" color, then red is the main one. Sometimes it actually produces a feeling of warmth. For example, a room whose walls are painted red can be heated much less than a room of a cold color (blue, purple). In nature, red is the color of abundance, ripe berries, poppies, pomegranates and rubies. But we must not forget that it is also the color of blood, religious sacrifices, fire and heart. He is able to evoke strong emotions, the nature of which depends on a particular situation. Red is associated with love, rage and sensuality. We usually highlight with them everything that needs to be paid special attention. This is the strongest color that has a direct effect on a person, not leaving him indifferent. He speaks of danger and willingness to face her. It is not for nothing that of the three colors of the traffic light, it is he, according to the unanimous opinion of experts, that is located at the very top and is considered a danger signal. Red beams have the longest wavelength and diverge with the least loss. This signal is visible farther than the others, this is especially important in case of poor visibility. Therefore, if in fog the driver mistakenly mistakes yellow for red and yellow for green, then such a mistake will not create a hazard in road traffic.
