Anastasia: Name, Origin, Meaning

Anastasia: Name, Origin, Meaning
Anastasia: Name, Origin, Meaning

History knows many women named Anastasias. All of them have left a bright mark on the life of society. Sly Roksolana, who has reached impossible heights for a simple slave. A gentle Russian princess, daughter of Emperor Nicholas II, who was considered alive for a long time after the execution of the royal family. The wise queen Anastasia, the wife of Ivan the Terrible, knew how to pacify the complex character of her husband. All these women were distinguished by their ingenuity, which helped them along the path of life. Perhaps the name Anastasia allowed them to overcome difficulties and make the right decisions.

Girl with umbrella
Girl with umbrella

Nastenka, Nastena, Nastyusha are all derivatives of the beautiful name Anastasia. Sometimes this name is forgotten, and Nastya is rare, but in recent years Anastasia has become one of the most popular names in the world.

History of origin and meaning

The name Anastasia came to Russian lands from Greece. It is the feminine form of the male name Anastas, or Anastasius. The translation of this name from Greek sounds very beautiful - resurrection, or return to life. In Russia, they begin to call children so beautifully from the moment they adopt the Orthodox faith. Anastasias were born not only in noble families, but also in peasants.

Calling a little girl by her full name is inconvenient, so there are a lot of abbreviated and diminutive-affectionate options that parents call their daughters:

  • Nastya;
  • Tasya;
  • Stasya;
  • Nastenka;
  • Nastyusha;
  • Asya;
  • Nastena.

In a friendly team, friends often call their friends simply Nastyukha.

Anastasia in the Orthodox Church

Anastasia the Patterner
Anastasia the Patterner

In the church calendar, you can find several women with the name Anastasia at once. To celebrate the name day, you should choose the closest date following Nastya's birthday:

  • January 4 - Anastasia the Sirmian Pattern Cutter, she is considered the patroness of not only the imprisoned Christian martyrs, but also the helper of pregnant women. They prayed to her throughout the entire period of bearing a child, and especially during a difficult birth, for the speedy resolution of the bonds of pregnancy.
  • March 23 - Reverend Anastasia Patricia the hermit. This saint was the founder of the monastery, which was located near the city of Alexandria. For a long time she had to hide from the persecution of the Emperor Justinian. She hid in a cave, dressed in men's clothing under the name Anastas. Only after her death did it become known who she really was.
  • April 28 - Anastasia of Rome (martyr). She lived during the reign of Emperor Nero. Together with her friend, she picked up the bodies of Christian martyrs, and then gave them up to an honest burial. For this she was imprisoned, where she was forced to renounce the Christian faith. After much suffering, she was executed.
  • July 17 - Grand Duchess Anastasia.
  • November 11 - 12 - Anastasia Solunskaya (martyr). She was executed under the emperor Decius for refusing to renounce faith in Christ.
  • December 26 - Anastasia the Righteous (ascetic).

Anastasia's character

Nastenka is a good and sweet girl with a good-natured character. She has a great imagination, so Nastya always lives in a fairy-tale world. Fairies live in the girl's fantasies, and everything that is in her environment takes on a magical color. Nastya always strives to be a leader, but at the same time she is always in the clouds. Being in the wizarding world, she forgets about household chores and it is difficult for parents to teach a girl to be in order. Nastya may be in poor health, she does not eat well. Frequent colds prevent her from playing with other children, but she does not suffer from this, because she has her own fantastic world.

Fantastic world of Anastasia
Fantastic world of Anastasia

Having matured, the young girl remains kind and vulnerable, but her character changes. She can be either sad or start to have fun beyond measure. Anastasia prefers to be in the spotlight, she loves to be admired. The company perceives her as an intelligent and well-mannered person. It is pleasant to communicate with her, she is a wonderful conversationalist. And this is not surprising, Anastasia is constantly learning and trying to learn something new.

Anastasia is a creative person. Her career will be successful if she chooses the profession of art critic, artist, psychologist or actress. Nastya is a wonderful guide who will not only perfectly tell the guests of the museum about the exhibits, but will also take care of visitors so that no one feels like a stranger during the excursion.

The magical world of Anastasia
The magical world of Anastasia

With an analytical mind, Nastya can perfectly solve any life problems. She has tenacity, perseverance and self-confidence. Anastasia is a wonderful wife and mother. She loves to take care of her husband and is able to hold him in difficult times. He treats his children very carefully, trying to give them an excellent education. Such a woman loves luxury, but knows how to save money. She has a sense of style, so she has beautiful, tasteful clothes in her wardrobe, and gorgeous jewelry is kept in boxes. It is impossible to forget Anastasia.


Stones - gems
Stones - gems

The stone that is able to help Nastya in her creative activity is carnelian. He will give his owner eloquence and attract useful friends into her life. Malachite will reward Anastasia with wisdom and help to cope with mood swings. Opal is able to maintain health and strengthen immunity. Fluorite is a powerful protective charm that will ward off trouble. Chrysoprase will help cope with stress, and jadeite will teach Nastya purposefulness and discipline.

The most famous Anastasia

Since Anastasia has many talents, there are many famous personalities among the owners of this beautiful name.

Roksolana (Khurrem) or Anastasia Lisovskaya

Anastasia Lisovskaya
Anastasia Lisovskaya

According to legend, after being captured by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the Ukrainian girl Nastusenka becomes his concubine. In the harem she was given the name Khurrem, which means - bringing joy. In a short period of time, from a simple slave, Roksolana turns into the beloved wife of Sultan Suleiman II. Then an incredible event happened for that time, the sultan officially married his concubine Hurrem and made her a sultana. His love was so strong that he abandoned other concubines for the sake of Roksolana. If he was given a new slave, then he gave her to his friends. Anastasia Lisovskaya was a very intelligent woman, well versed in politics, art and literature. Going on military campaigns, Suleiman left control of the empire to his wife Hurrem, and she coped with this task perfectly.

Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yurieva

This famous woman was the first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. She was born in 1530. Her father served at the court of Vasily III and died early. But the name of the Romanovs was born on his behalf. When the Rurik family was interrupted, thanks to the relationship with Anastasia, the Romanovs were able to ascend the throne. Mikhail Romanov, was the grandson of her brother Nikita and was Anastasia's grand-nephew.

Queen Anastasia
Queen Anastasia

As historians note, it was a beautiful girl of short stature with black thick hair. Anastasia was distinguished by her modesty, chastity and wisdom. She loved to do needlework in her workshop, where fabrics for the church were embroidered. Some of her works have survived to this day.

Frequent childbirth crippled the queen's poor health, and in 1560 she fell seriously ill, and after a while she died. But later it was established that she was poisoned.

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova

Grand Duchess Anastasia
Grand Duchess Anastasia

The fourth daughter of Emperor Nicholas II was born in Peterhof in 1901. Like all children from the royal family, Nastya studied at home. She was a cheerful and cheerful girl with a kind and sympathetic heart. During the war, she helped her mother and older sisters take care of the wounded. Anastasia read books to the soldiers, helped write letters, and prepared dressings.

Anastasia Vertinskaya

Anastasia Vertinskaya
Anastasia Vertinskaya

One of the most beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema, the daughter of A. Vertinsky and L. Vertinskaya was born in 1944. The future artist lived in a creative family and received an excellent education. Anastasia is known for her roles in the theater and in many films. The most famous paintings are "Scarlet Sails" and "Amphibian Man".