A signature is a unique combination of symbols that belongs to one person. Wealthy and literate people have used the signature since ancient times. Now no person can imagine their life without a signature. She is needed in absolutely everything. For some, she is beautiful and sophisticated, while others sign like a chicken with a paw.
- - a pen;
- - notebook;
- - notebook.
Step 1
In order for a beautiful signature to show off in your passport or appear on important papers, think not only about its implementation, but also about its components. Of course, the signature must be associated with your personal data: first name, last name and patronymic. Before learning how to sign, come up with a painting for yourself.
Step 2
To do this, take a pen and notebook. Sit down at the table and write your full name, surname and patronymic. Then write out the initials. Think about how you could beat them in the painting. Use the three uppercase letters of your initials, or combine a fragment of the last name and first name. You should get a unique set of symbols - make your painting unique. Choose a certain slope for it, come up with a flourish (author's stroke), which will be a continuation of the last letter or symbol of your painting. Try several options and choose the one that you like the most.
Step 3
In order to learn how to subscribe, you need to practice a lot. Take a notebook with a pen. Write your signature at a short distance as many times as needed to get perfect repeats. Sign on the margins of the notebook - you have to fill your hand and then it will be easy for you to draw the perfect painting.