Films that make you think, give food for thought, amaze with their depth and scope - these days are very rare. However, they can be subjected to eternal analysis, revised several times, each time finding something new and interesting. It is such films that are able to endure the brain of any viewer in the good sense of the word, they will forever remain in our memory as the best of the best.

Step 1
"Where Dreams May Come"
This unique, incredibly beautiful and multifaceted work tells the story of life after death and the most sincere and pure love. There is everything here: drama, love, and incredible fantastic adventures. The main character is played by a brilliant actor, Robin Williams. His hero dies and after death finds a new life, in which he can watch his beloved wife, still alive. But by a tragic coincidence, they would suddenly commit suicide, completely distraught with grief. As befits in such cases, the wife goes to hell, but her loving husband makes a willful decision to follow her to the end and save her sinful soul. This Oscar-winning film makes you think about a lot, rethink life and relive this incredible drama with the heroes of the film.

Step 2
"Highway 60"
This mysterious highway is not marked on any map and in reality does not exist, but it is along it that the main character, Neil Oliver, goes on his risky and at the same time fascinating journey under the guidance of an eccentric wizard in search of the one that Neil dreams of at night. He has to face various vicissitudes of fate, to take out important life lessons, being either in a dream or in reality. This instructive, albeit fantastic story has won the hearts of many TV viewers around the world.

Step 3
A psychological drama with elements of horror scenes in which an inconsolable widower father tries to find an approach to his 9-year-old daughter. Having lost her mother, the girl barely survives this tragedy, creating for herself a kind of imaginary friend who turns out to be not so harmless at all. Mystical and mysterious incidents begin to occur in the house, from which it becomes uncomfortable. The main roles are played by no less eminent actors - Robert Deniro and Dakota Fanning. It is interesting that the film has as many as 4 alternative endings, which one should be taken as the truth - each viewer can choose for himself.

Step 4
"Pay another"
An incredibly kind film with elements of drama, which tells the story of the amazing boy Trevor, who comes up with an interesting concept as part of his homework at school. Later, it turns into a whole movement, where each previous one, having received friendly help sometimes even from complete strangers, helps someone else. Thus, goodness spreads along a chain from person to person.

Step 5
"City of Angels"
This is a story about another amazingly pure and bright love. The love that an angel wakes up for an ordinary person. As you know, angels have practically no feelings, and how the main character will cope with this test, feeling on earth not only love and happiness, but also loss and pain - only time will tell. The roles of the main characters in the film are played by the notorious Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan.

Step 6
It is interesting that this film was shot based on the story of the same name by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the realities of our time. A modest-looking, unremarkable young man, whose life is boring and uninteresting, finds himself in the center of the picture's events, thanks to the appearance of a double. He, being an exact copy of the protagonist, unlike Simon, very quickly wins the favor of those around him, starting to slowly oust Simon himself from his life and taking everything that is dear to him, right down to his beloved girl. The film makes you thoroughly move your brains in order to understand the intricacies of a fascinating plot.

Step 7
A sad and even tragic film based on real events that happened to a neurologist named Oliver Sachs. It tells the story of a genius doctor who created a revolutionary medicine that allows people to wake up from a state of coma. Thus, it brings back to life a person who has been immobilized for more than 30 years. But this difficult test for both the doctor and his patients unfortunately ends tragically again. The film makes you think about the value of human life, about simple and at the same time touching moments that always remain in your memory.

Step 8
An incredibly touching melodrama about the fate of two lovers, who until recently were completely strangers to each other. Young people embark on an adventure, giving fate an opportunity to decide whether they will ever meet again. They exchange phone numbers on the book and on the banknote, return the book to the library, and exchange the bill. Now, only a lucky chance can decide their future fate.

Step 9
"Being John Malkovich"
A slightly psychedelic film with elements of fiction and drama, in which the main character finds a secret passage into the brain of the famous Hollywood actor John Malkovich and decides to build a profitable business on this by organizing excursions to the brain of a star. It is difficult to imagine how such an adventure could end, if at all to imagine it real. Each viewer is invited to think about this on his own.

Step 10
An incredibly fascinating and confusing melodrama, which tells about the obsession of a young man named Matthew for his former lover, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances and reappeared in his life. The film keeps the viewer in suspense until the last moment, whipping up the imagination and making them worry. After all, the main character does not even assume that, thanks to his obsession, he has already become a victim of an insidious intrigue.