How Israel Came Into Being

How Israel Came Into Being
How Israel Came Into Being

Israel's history spans millennia. The Bible is one of the earliest sources on Israeli culture. Archaeologists have conducted many expeditions that have proven that it describes reliable events. This means that Jewish history dates back to when Abraham, the founder of the Jewish, Aramaic and Arab people, was called to Canaan.

How Israel came into being
How Israel came into being

Stalin and the creation of the state of Israel

In the post-war period in the USSR, any religion was oppressed, and the "Jewish question" became an international problem. First of all, this is due to the fact that the Jewish intelligentsia supported socialist ideals at a time when religious communities were practically unable to carry out their activities. In the USSR, there were no days off on days tied to religious holidays. Moreover, government agencies worked six days a week and any traditional holidays fell on weekdays.

Joseph Stalin showed himself as an active supporter of the creation of the state of Israel. Since Britain ruled the territory of Palestine until 1948, Stalin's policies against the British Mandate and Arab allies played a historic role.

The modern and independent state of Israel was established in May 1948. On the day that Israel declared itself a separate state, its territory was invaded by an army from Syria, Egypt and Jordan. Thanks to the effective and prompt military assistance provided by the Soviet Union, the Israelis managed to repel the attack, but the Arab-Israeli conflict is the main problem of the state today.

After the end of the first war, Israeli policy focused on building the state for which the Jewish people had fought so long and hard. In the general election process, two political leaders were elected, who subsequently led the struggle for Israel's independence. Chaim Weizmann became the first president of the state, and David Ben-Gurion became the prime minister. In just the first ten years of Israel's existence, industrial output doubled and the number of workers quadrupled. The educational system, culture, art, construction - everything was in the development stage. On the tenth anniversary of Israel, the population has already surpassed two million citizens.

Israel today

Israel is a small country of amazing beauty, which is known throughout the world for its epochal history. Currently, the independent Israeli state is famous for its great achievements in the field of medicine, economics, science and industry. Israel will soon become a leading country in world tourism. Currently, the state is annually visited by more than two million people. In just 66 years, Israel has achieved such tremendous gains, despite harsh conditions and constant attacks from Palestine. Perhaps this state level is due to the fact that the Jewish people honor their traditions and will never change their beliefs, but will strive for a prosperous future and come up with new ideas aimed at improving the country's economy.
