What Are The Largest Snakes In The World

What Are The Largest Snakes In The World
What Are The Largest Snakes In The World

The mere thought of the existence of huge snakes instills terror and panic. According to unconfirmed reports, their length can reach 15 meters. But even the largest representatives of this class of animals never grow to such incredible sizes. But still, real giants exist in the kingdom of snakes.

What are the largest snakes in the world
What are the largest snakes in the world

The giant that lives in the Amazon

The range of the green anaconda is limited to the Orinoco and Amazon rainforests. It belongs to the family of boas and is considered to be the heaviest and largest snake on the planet. Sometimes anaconda is called a water boa. Although some varieties of pythons may be longer than an anaconda, they cannot surpass it in weight and volume. The body length of an adult female can reach 9 meters, the weight ranges from 200-250 kg, and the body diameter can exceed 30 cm.

Reticulated python

Inhabitant of the southern part of Asia, it can be found both in the jungle and in woodlands. Refers to a small genus of true pythons. It is considered the longest snake on the planet. It can reach a length of 10 meters and weighs 160 kg. The average body length of this reptile is 4-8 meters.

In one of the US zoos, a python was kept 12.2 meters long.

Dark brindle python

It lives in the river valleys of Myanmar, India, Nepal, Indonesia and southern China. The largest individual was 9 meters long and weighed 100 kg. It swims and dives perfectly, climbs trees without difficulty.

One of the few representatives of snakes that can hunt jaguars and jackals.

King Cobra

The largest venomous snake in the world. Belongs to the family of asps. It has a wide habitat, it is found in the territory from the Philippines to the west of Pakistan. The lifespan of this predator is also impressive. Cobra lives more than 30 years and at the same time its growth does not stop. Its length can reach 6 meters. The weight of the king cobra ranges from 12-13 kg. Due to their smooth scales and slender physique, cobras are outwardly similar to snakes.

Dangerous inhabitant of Africa

The Gabonese viper is an extremely poisonous snake, belongs to the family of African vipers. Found in Central and East Africa. With respect to its length of 2 meters, the snake can weigh as much as 20 kg. It has a large, wide head with small eyes and a short tail. The largest member of his family, as well as the owner of the longest teeth of all species of vipers.


Poisonous snake, the largest representative of the vipers in South America. Its body can reach a length of 2.5-3 meters, but sometimes there are specimens of 4 meters each. The bushmaster's teeth grow up to 4 cm. Leads a solitary nocturnal lifestyle, hunts lizards, birds, rodents and other snakes. Life expectancy is 20 years.
