The Damage Caused By Typhoon Bolaven

The Damage Caused By Typhoon Bolaven
The Damage Caused By Typhoon Bolaven

Typhoon Bolaven on its way from the equatorial latitudes of the Pacific Ocean passed over the southern part of Japan and came ashore over North Korea. Then he turned towards the Russian Far East, hitting the coast of China along the way. Bolaven was the worst hurricane in the area in 56 years, and caused the most damage to North Korea.

What harm did the typhoon do
What harm did the typhoon do

It took several days for the hurricane to reach its maximum strength, so relatively little damage was caused to the Japanese island of Okinawa. The main blow of the elements was experienced by the Korean Peninsula - the wind force at the epicenter of the typhoon by the time it passed over the territory of the DPRK reached 70 meters per second, and the wave height - 10 meters.

Not much information is usually received from North Korea. According to the country's Central Telegraph Agency (CTAC), the death toll is 48, and the fate of several dozen more is unknown. In the summer, the republic was seriously affected by severe floods, and now the damage has increased even more due to the typhoon. In total, TsTAK reports on the destruction of 6, 7 thousand residential buildings, because of which almost 21, 2 thousand people were left homeless. 50 thousand hectares of agricultural land were damaged, more than 16 thousand trees were felled. Damage was caused to 880 factories, administrative buildings and utility facilities.

The Bolaven reached the territory of Russia on August 29 in an already greatly weakened state, so it did not cause any significant damage. Nevertheless, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, more than 50 thousand people in 37 settlements were left without electricity for some time. It took more than a day to restore the power supply in only four of them.

Tropical cyclones, which in the Far East are usually called typhoons, and in America - hurricanes, arise over the ocean in the equator area - no further than 500 kilometers from it. They arise as a result of a certain combination of cold air currents in the atmosphere and warm currents in the upper layers of the water mass. Within a few days, the wind force in a moving cyclone reaches enormous values, and then gradually decreases, and the cyclone from a typhoon turns into a relatively calm atmospheric front.
