Rules Of Movement In The Water

Rules Of Movement In The Water
Rules Of Movement In The Water

On the hot days of a sultry summer, when not only the asphalt is heated, but the air as well as a hot blanket descends on the city, and there is absolutely nothing to breathe, you so want to feel the coolness of the water, plunge into it and for a moment freeze in inexpressible bliss.

Rules of movement in the water
Rules of movement in the water

When water is not an enemy but a friend

Blue sky, warm sand, games by the pond and sparkling splashes scattering life-giving drops on the skin … It's all great, but water is still not a natural element for humans and some precautions have to be observed even by experienced swimmers, and even more so by those who like swimming.


Going to the beach, adults should remember what absolutely should not be done during their vacation. It is forbidden:

- while drunk, climb deep into the water and, moreover, make attempts for a long and long swim;

- to swim, not knowing and not observing the elementary safety rules on the water;

- take small children with you, if you are not sure that their parents feel in the water, as in their native element. In emergency moments, their loved ones are closest to children, and the count goes by seconds;

- swim in the dark, when the view over the eyes is limited to a couple of meters and the shore is not visible at all;

- jump from boats, rafts, catamarans into the water - blades, oars, bow or side of the ship can seriously injure a daredevil. If the victim loses consciousness and begins to dive to depths, it will be difficult to save him.

It is unsafe to dive in places that are completely unfamiliar - at the bottom there may be sharp stones, debris, iron, which can cause serious injury or even death.

General Tips

It will not be superfluous to heed the general advice that guarantees safety and a relaxing stay:

There are specially designated places for swimming, which are ennobled with clean, fine and pleasant to the touch sand, without sharp, small stones and other dangerous debris. This is where you should go on a hot day.

After a pleasant picnic, when your stomach is full of food, you should not immediately get into the cool water. This can provoke cramps in the limbs, since at this time blood rushes to the stomach, which begins to digest food, and blood circulates unevenly throughout the body.

After a fun game near a pond, when the body is hot, the heart beats often and quickly, you cannot dive and swim, because the body will experience a shock with a sharp change in temperature.

The preconceived notion that it is better to swim in bad weather, during or immediately after rain, because the water is especially warm, in fact, is fraught with big trouble. Natural conditions can change dramatically, and if a strong wind begins and even a hurricane, irreparable damage can occur. It's good if the adventure is limited to a towel hanging from a tree and dishes scattered within a kilometer radius. It is much worse if the wind flow turns out to be oncoming for a person trying to get out of the water, or if it throws stones, objects, tree branches in the direction of vacationers.

Going to the pond, it is worth taking with you not only the necessary things, but also a sober, clear mind, because an instant reaction and quick, correct actions are a guarantee of the safety of loved ones and a good mood for the whole day.
