What Types Of Aloe Are There

What Types Of Aloe Are There
What Types Of Aloe Are There

Aloe or agave is the most popular medicinal plant that can be found in almost every home. It is not for nothing that it has been used as a natural medicine for a very long time, it has a lot of useful and healing properties. Aloe is used in various fields and has a huge number of varieties.

What types of aloe are there
What types of aloe are there

Aloe vera, aloe real

Present aloe is a herbaceous perennial plant. Its straight leaves form small rosettes, and the peduncle is up to a meter high. Aloe vera also has the name Barbados aloe, as it has become widespread on the island of Barbados and in western India.

Aloe vera is the basis of a huge number of cosmetics. These products are considered to be very effective due to their rapid penetration into the skin. Thanks to this property of aloe, the present helps to eliminate toxins. Also, this plant has a bactericidal and antifungal agent, stimulates immunity, relieves pain.

Aloe variegated

This type of agave reaches a height of no more than 30 cm. Its leaves are twisted in spirals, collected in dense rows. Stems are very short, green in color, with stripes of white spots. Their flowers are up to 3.5 cm long, outside they are bright red with green stripes and yellow inside.

Aloe folded

It is a small tree or shrub. The trunk can be up to five meters high. Leaves resembling belts and rounded at the top are arranged in two rows of 10-15 pieces at the tips of the branches. They are gray-green or gray-green. The peculiarity of this species is that the dried leaves fall off very quickly, leaving a barely noticeable scar.

Aloe spotted

Spotted aloe is a very beautiful undersized plant. Its leaves, arranged in three rows, resemble spirals.

Aloe spinous

This type of aloe has very thick leaves. They gather in basal rosettes, the diameter of which reaches 10 cm. At the top, the leaves end in a colorless awn, hence the name of the species. Orange-red tubular flowers about 4 cm long are collected in a raceme on a peduncle reaching half a meter.

Aloe undaunted

It spreads in areas with rocky soil, with a small amount of grass. It is widely used as decorative in landscape design. The flowers of the plant are saturated with nectar. Small birds of the sunbird drink this nectar, plunging their beak into the perianth, due to which pollination occurs.

Aloe dichotomous

It is a tree, its height can be up to ten meters. It is pollinated by bees and sunbirds. The ancient tribes gouged cavities in the branches of this tree and made quivers from them for arrows, therefore it was often called the quiver tree.

Aloe broadleaf

Broadleaf aloe looks more like a shrub. Its curved and very wide leaves are green with light specks, and the edges of the plant are protected by thorny thorns.

Aloe multifoliate

It is also called spiral aloe because its small deltoid leaves form a distinct, regular spiral.

Other types of aloe

These are only the main, the most common species of the well-known plant, there are still many other varieties, such as aloe ciliate, aloe prickly, aloe kniphofiform, aloe cloudy, aloe Pilansa, aloe Bainesa, aloe Butner.
