What Was The Name Of The 9 Muses And What Did They Do

What Was The Name Of The 9 Muses And What Did They Do
What Was The Name Of The 9 Muses And What Did They Do

Muses - in Greek mythology, the patroness of the arts and sciences, mentors of talented people. Nine muses were considered the daughters of the supreme god Zeus and the goddess of memory Mnemosyne. Each muse was responsible for its own kind of science or art, but they were all necessary to achieve harmony.

Apollo surrounded by muses
Apollo surrounded by muses

Nine sisters

The sisters were equal among themselves, but the Greeks considered Calliope, the muse of sacrifice and patriotism, to be the queen of the muses. Calliope symbolized love for the homeland and inspired the warriors before the battle. She was also called the muse of epic poetry and was depicted with a scroll and a stylus in her hands.

The muse of history, Clio, was friends with Calliope. She was portrayed with tablets, where she wrote down any, even the most insignificant event that took place in the world. No one should forget their past, because there is no future without the past - this is Cleo's motto.

Another patroness of science, Urania, was considered the wisest of the daughters of Zeus. The muse holds in his hands a celestial sphere and a compass, which determines the distance between the stars. Urania symbolizes not only astronomy, but also the desire for knowledge, craving for the stars.

The modern patrons of the theater, the muse of Melpomene's tragedy and the muse of comedy Thalia personified the theater of life in ancient Greece, in which people play their roles at the behest of the gods. Melpomene is traditionally depicted with a tragic mask in his hand, but in the other hand he can hold a sword, punishing those guilty in the finale of the play. Talia, with a comedic mask in her hand, defended the possibility of a happy ending for any story. She was distinguished by optimism and infectious fun.

The muse of poetry Euterpe was considered the most beautiful of the muses - the gods at the Olympic feast could listen to her poems for hours. She was portrayed with a pipe and a wreath of fresh flowers, often surrounded by forest nymphs, since nature itself prompted her poetry and music.

Erato was in charge of love poetry. She urged all lovers to fight for their feelings and cherish them. When a person utters words of love or hugs a loved one, the muse Erato plays a gentle melody on her lyre.

Terpsichora is the patroness of dance, and dance in Ancient Greece expressed a special connection with nature, the unity of soul and body in movement. The muse is holding a harp in her hands, the sounds of which are audible only to talented dancers.

The only muse without distinctive symbols was Polyhymnia. She favored the speakers. At her will, the orator's speech could light a fire in the hearts of the audience or be ridiculed. Polyhymnia was also the muse of prayers and hymns addressed to the gods.

Inhabitants of Parnassus

The muses were the companions of the god Apollo and lived on Mount Parnassus, at the foot of which the Kastalsky spring beat. A sip of water from this source gave inspiration, because the muses patronized everyone who strove for beauty.

Nine goddesses-sisters were worshiped throughout Greece and built temples for them, called museums. It is from the museums that the name of modern museums originates - repositories of works of art inspired by the muses.
