Where Do The Dreams Go

Where Do The Dreams Go
Where Do The Dreams Go

Dreams are reality, but not yours. You are someone's dream. Two, three, ten, a million worlds exist, intersecting here and there. Black and white and color, unreal, fantastic and frighteningly real, logical and absurd, with continuation and complete - all these dreams are constantly with you, and you are with them and in them. Where do they go when you no longer see them?

Where do the dreams go
Where do the dreams go

Dreams show you other worlds where a person lives, perhaps your double. Or they demonstrate your hidden dreams and desires, which you drive into the subconscious. Or they are trying to get through to you, signaling something important. If dreams go away, then you have abandoned them, from many bright worlds and opportunities. Try to follow the development of events in your night visions. If you are haunted by another reality, a situation that you got into in a dream, think about it while going to bed. It is possible that you will see the outcome of events and connect what is happening with your real life. Both your dreams and dreams are woven from some substance, from space and time, from your psychic energy. Sometimes, upon waking up, it is difficult to understand what is a dream and what is reality. Sometimes you don’t want to wake up, because you’re better and happier there, on the other hand. Then, perhaps, dreams do not go away, but a person plunges into another world, builds his life there, making his reality a dream, and vice versa. Take advantage of the endless possibilities of your psyche, draw wisdom and knowledge from space. In childhood, dreams are airy and light, like the dreams of babies. With age, desires become more material, heavy and solid, therefore the lightness and sinlessness of a dream leaves a person. Even when they are disconnected, people continue to solve some problems instead of resting. Being unclaimed, your fantastic dreams and naive dreams go to little adventurers. A person at forty, and fifty, and at a hundred years old is able to wonder and perceive the riot and enchanting colors of the subtle worlds. Do not deprive yourself of parallel lives, go to bed with the hope of a miracle, then your dreams will become voluminous and rich. Create your own corner of paradise on your pillow. May this world of eternal sun, warm waves and bird chirps never leave you.
