The beautiful and familiar metaphor "weeping willow" is based not only on folklore, but also on the results of scientific research. The willow really "cries", because the tree is characterized by guttation, in which the leaves secrete small droplets of liquid.

Weeping willow evokes controversial emotions. On the one hand, there is a large, massive, voluminous and beautiful tree. On the other hand, the willow tree is a kind of riddle, a secret that has a bewitching appearance. The image of the willow resembles a sad girl who bowed her head and the wind blows her hair-branches. Have you noticed that willows grow mostly near water bodies? So "tears" from a tree, falling on the surface of the water, form numerous traces - circles diverging to the sides. Tears fall on the trunk and roots, fall to the ground. As if the willow is mourning unfulfilled dreams and yearning. It is interesting that the willow is crying at night or early in the morning, causing again associations with a girl who is invigorated and gorgeous in the daytime, and with the onset of dusk she begins to feel sad.
Scientific explanation
Willow, which grows mainly near ponds, lakes and rivers, receives moisture in abundance. Its roots are deep enough immersed in water, and the humidity around the reservoir is significantly increased. Therefore, it is necessary to somehow get rid of excess water, because it is necessary to maintain a normal balance of biological processes. Thus, the willow, as it were, "drains" all unnecessary water through the leaves, i.e. "Crying".
The process of guttation is the release of moisture through the leaves, this is a rather rare phenomenon in trees, but it is inherent in many cereals, especially during a stormy period of growth.
"Popular" explanations
The Russian people have long considered the willow one of the most powerful amulets against evil spirits. Many legends and mysterious stories are associated with this tree. It was believed that the willow cries because a girl who has lost her beloved lives inside it.
The acclaimed beauty of willow
Weeping willow is called Babylonian, because in ancient times it was willows that were used for landscaping along with poplars and tamarisk. This long-lived tree in its 60 years can reach a height of about 15 meters. Most likely, this is the reason for frequent mentions of "the old weeping willow that grows on the banks of the river."
Blooming willow is a truly beautiful sight. She gladly dismisses her silver earrings. And this is like the only time when the willow forgets about its melancholy and sincerely rejoices.
It is worth noting the fact that willow is not only a mystery tree, but also a very useful plant. In ancient times, people successfully treated fevers with an infusion of willow bark. It contains the substance salicin, it has a good antipyretic effect. But people did not want to live next to reservoirs decorated with willows. The reason for this is the belief that the constant tears of the willow are transmitted to people living nearby.