What Event Happened On Mount Sinai

What Event Happened On Mount Sinai
What Event Happened On Mount Sinai

The ancient land of Egypt and Israel is still a relevant illustration of the pages of the Bible. Many of the holy places mentioned in this holy book are located on the territory of these countries and have practically not changed over the past millennia. Such places include Mount Moses, which, according to the Israelites, is called Mount Sinai in the Bible.

What event happened on Mount Sinai
What event happened on Mount Sinai

The event that took place on Mount Sinai is of paramount importance to the Jews. The Prophet Moses, during the great exodus from Egypt and the search for the Promised Land for the people of Israel, received the Torah (tablets) on the top of the mountain from the hands of the Lord, as well as many laws, including the famous 10 commandments.

In his wandering with the people, after the exodus from Egypt, God warns the prophet Moses about Mount Sinai, appearing to him in the form of a burning bush. Therefore, when the Jews set up their camp at the foot of this mountain, Moses retired at its top in order to commune with the Lord.

Only on the third day did this significant meeting take place, during which the prophet received in his hands a decalogue - tablets with rules inscribed on them - commandments, which from now on will be obliged to observe all believing Jews. In their meaning, these basic postulates of the Jewish religious world outlook are close to the recognized universal values. So, in particular, they called to honor their parents, not to kill, not steal, not to bear false witness and not to commit adultery.

Even the first Christians, the church fathers, believed that these commandments were known to people before the meeting of Moses with the Lord. Subsequently, these rules took a central place in many religious studies of Christian dogmas and in their essence are the foundations of Christian morality, for non-observance, excommunication could follow.

Currently, there are several monasteries and operating chapels on Mount Sinai, to which many pilgrims come. Christian hermits and monks live here. At the place where, according to legend, a significant meeting took place, a tower was built. Under the Roman emperor Julian I, a monastery was built next to it, which since the 10th century has been associated with the name of St. Catherine of Alexandria.

A low and nondescript rocky mountain attracts followers of the teachings of Christ and Jews from all over the world. Pilgrims believe that when they meet the dawn at the top of this sacred mountain, they will receive the grace of God, so this religious relic remains a valid fetish to this day.
