Every year, many species of plants and animals disappear from our planet, or their number is rapidly decreasing. In order to draw attention to this problem and capture rare subspecies, a whole series of books has been created. One of which is the Red Book of Kazakhstan, approved by a government decision in 1978.

In 1978, the first part of the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan was published, including such sections as: birds, amphibians and mammals. And in the very first meeting, the authors decided to divide all animal species into two groups: endangered and rare.
First Edition - Beginning
This book received wide popularity and many interested responses, and all because the Red Book of Kazakhstan is rightfully the first book of this type in the entire Soviet Union.
Already in 1985, the Zoological Commission was opened and activated, which included the best specialists from research institutes, natural organizations, universities and other bodies. An important task was set before the members of this commission: to identify all species of animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction, or those that are rare enough in nature.
The specialists performed such a wide range of tasks clearly and harmoniously for many years. With their help, as many as three editions of the Red Book of Kazakhstan were published.
Second edition
In the second edition of the book, there was a completely new section, which was devoted to invertebrate species of animals, in particular, insects, worms, crustaceans and molluscs were described.
Another feature was the small circulation of the published books, it amounted to only 500 copies. This was due to the purpose of the book, it was necessary precisely for nature conservation specialists.
Third edition
In 1996, the preparation of the third edition of the Red Book of Kazakhstan began, it took place simultaneously with the writing of the second edition. The latest edition includes information on the species and subspecies of vertebrates, their total number was 125, this figure was formed from such representatives of vertebrates as:
- birds, - fish, - mammals, - amphibians, - reptiles.
Please note that these animals are listed only in the first part of the first volume, which were published in the third edition. That is, the full scale of the work begins to be felt only when you understand that all publications had many volumes, and in general all work on this book has been carried out over decades. And this work of specialists is truly unique and is of great importance in the field of environmental protection.