What Is The Connection Of A Person With An Information Field

What Is The Connection Of A Person With An Information Field
What Is The Connection Of A Person With An Information Field

The concept of the energy-informational field has already become quite well-known, and official science has begun to recognize its existence. Each person has a connection with the energy-informational field, but its quality can be very different.

What is the connection of a person with an information field
What is the connection of a person with an information field

According to the most widespread concepts, the energy-informational field (EIP) contains all the information about what has ever happened, is happening or will happen. It exists outside of time and space, while each person has a connection with it, to one degree or another.

Connection with the energy-informational field

According to one of the most famous interpretations, the connection with the EIP is carried out through the subconscious of a person. The better a person has established contact with the subconscious, the more information can be perceived from the energy-informational field.

There are a variety of methods for obtaining information through the subconscious. One of the techniques is as follows: you should lie down, relax and concentrate on the topic that interests you. At the same time, it is very important to maintain inner silence and just look with closed eyes in front of you. Gradually, various images will begin to appear in front of you, you should just look at them, remembering, but not analyzing. In this way, very interesting information can be obtained from the EIP.

There is a very similar option, the difference lies in the simultaneous concentration on the point of the "third eye" - that is, between the eyebrows.

Some researchers believe that the connection with the EIT is through the chakras. The better the chakras function, the better the person's connection with the energy-informational field. This directly affects his talents and intuition. The highest chakras are the most difficult to open, so only very few people have the ability to perceive information from the higher planes of being. As a rule, these are famous philosophers, thinkers, writers, inventors, visionaries.

Lost communication with EIP

The main sign of a broken connection with the energy-information field is poor intuition, bad luck, health problems. Man is an organic part of the universe. The more harmonious his relationship with the world, the more he is allowed, the better his connection with the EIP. And vice versa, if a person bears destruction, the connection with the energy-informational field is broken.

The main reason for poor communication with the EIP is wrong thinking, a low level of spirituality. Everything in the universe is very harmonious, so a person who pollutes the EIT with bad thoughts automatically loses connection with it. As a rule, only the channels connected to the lower chakras are functioning. All higher spiritual spheres are inaccessible to man. If a person continues to degrade, this gradually affects his physical health and appearance.

The best way to establish a good connection with the EIP is to establish peace and harmony in the soul. The purer a person's thoughts are, the more he is allowed. The higher chakras open, a person gets access to the most intimate information.
