What Is A Master Plan

What Is A Master Plan
What Is A Master Plan

The end product of design and engineering activities carried out in any scientific or technical field is documentation that describes in detail the developed or designed object. In construction, this is the master plan. The list of documents included in it differs depending on the scale of the project.

What is a master plan
What is a master plan

In a broad sense, a master plan is a set of documents defining a project in the field of capital construction. It can have a different scale, be voluminous and long-term, concerning the urban development of large territories, or very modest, describing only one architectural structure. The general plan is drawn up both when carrying out direct construction (for example, during capital development) and reconstruction work.

Acting as a section of the documentation created during the design or reconstruction of an individual architectural structure, the master plan is represented by a set of images and drawings. In addition to plans for engineering networks, earth masses, relief organization, landscaping, etc., it contains a consolidated detailed image illustrating the entire object with associated infrastructure (transport routes indicating entrances, improvement elements, etc.). Often such a document is obtained by superimposing a diagram of a building or complex on a photographic image of the area. This usually uses a top view.

The general plan of a settlement is a scientifically grounded long-term project of its consistent development. Implementation times may vary, but are usually tens of years. A master plan of this magnitude includes many mandatory documents. Among them: schemes of boundaries of special territories and zones (for example, zones of increased risk of emergencies, zones with protected cultural objects), schemes of roads and transport interchanges, schemes of objects and networks of water, gas, energy and heat supply. Each part of the general plan of a settlement includes both graphic (drawings, photographic images, topographic schemes) and textual content.

In the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the general plan is designated as one of the main documents on the basis of which territorial planning should be carried out. However, it is only advisory in nature. Therefore, recently there has been a transition from the use of the master plan to the projects of land surveying and planning.