Why We Love Cats

Why We Love Cats
Why We Love Cats

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Cunning and independent animals, walking by themselves, indifferent to their owners and attached only to their own home, selfish, vindictive - all this is about cats. But what makes people give their hearts to these tailed bastards? Indeed, despite their complex nature, cats remain one of the most popular pets.

Why we love cats
Why we love cats


Step 1

If you look at a cat without unnecessary emotions, then initially their popularity was brought by the ability to protect the house from rats and mice: even the smell of cats scares small rodents. For a city dweller, a cat is convenient, first of all, by its ease of care: unlike dogs, it does not need to be walked daily, you can leave it in an apartment unattended for 2-3 days, and even it washes on its own. Daily feeding and weekly cleaning of the litter box: this is the minimum required for cat grooming. At the same time, a funny and quick-witted animal settles in the house, which is so interesting to watch. This combination in itself is already capable of ensuring the demand for a cat as a pet.

Step 2

Cats are extremely flexible and graceful. This in itself makes them very attractive. They want to imitate - not without reason such expressions as "feline grace" or "feline flexibility" can be considered a compliment. Smooth, smooth movements have made cats a symbol of sexuality. And, probably, this is one of the reasons that the Vikings and the ancient Egyptians considered cats to be the incarnations of the goddesses of fertility.

Step 3

In the words of the writer Alexei Ivanov, cats are the most valuable resource, because they "develop comfort." The ability of cats to make the house in which they live, habitable and comfortable, was noted by many. In Russia, the cat has long been considered a symbol of peace, comfort and well-being in the house, and also acted as a kind of guard, protecting the house from otherworldly forces.

Step 4

The willfulness and independence of cats, oddly enough, also serves as one of the reasons that strengthen the love for these animals. They sometimes demand affection, then refuse to accept it, clearly demonstrating that the cat's favor still needs to be achieved. Women who try to bind a man to themselves behave in about the same way. As a result, the cat is the leader in the “cat-man” pair: it is she who decides how much love she is ready to accept. And rare signs of attention from her make me highly appreciate the feline disposition.

Step 5

As famed writer Terry Pratchet noted in his book Unadorned Cat, the cat is the only pet that "gets its daily meat just because it looks happy and purrs after eating." Indeed, cats so clearly and unequivocally demonstrate their positive emotions that it is almost impossible to resist. Feline purring and rumbling is a sign of gratitude, gratitude, and it is really almost impossible to resist this stream of positive emotions.
