Leprechaun is the protagonist of Irish folklore and a symbol of St. Patrick's Day. Many legends and fairy tales are associated with this little creature, which are very popular among adults and children. It is not surprising, because they tell about those lucky ones who managed to catch the leprechaun and lure out of him the main value - a pot of gold.

How to recognize a leprechaun
Leprechauns are small, red-bearded men who look a bit like gnomes. Their camisole, pants and high-crowned hat are invariably green, helping leprechauns hide in the grassy hills of Ireland from the gold-hungry people. The shoes of these fabulous creatures are decorated with large silver buckles, and blue stockings are always present on the legs. Leprechauns love Irish whiskey and strong tobacco, which is why they are often seen with a pipe in their mouths.
There is another characteristic feature in the appearance of these creatures - a leather apron. This detail can often be found on leprechauns, because they are considered the main fabulous shoemakers. And they repair shoes, of course, for fairies who simply adore dancing and often grind down their shoes. True, in the hands of a leprechaun, you can always find only one shoe.
According to legend, leprechauns appeared in Ireland long before the Celts and were very large. And when, with the advent of Christianity, people stopped honoring the old gods, they decreased in size.
Ways to catch a leprechaun
More stinky tobacco, Irish whiskey and fox hunting, leprechauns love their gold. And, according to ancient legends, they have a lot of it. It is not surprising that people have been trying to catch these fabulous creatures for a long time in order to replenish their pockets with ringing coins. However, this is not easy at all, because leprechauns are masters of conspiracy.
It is believed that the most effective way to catch a leprechaun is to find a four-leaf clover. It was him that these fabulous creatures chose as their talisman. According to legend, the one who finds the four-leafed leaves will surely see a leprechaun, and then everything depends on the wit of the lucky one. Also in Irish tales, the fact that you can find a leprechaun at the end of the rainbow is mentioned more than once. And you can find out the exact location by the sound of a hammer, because these red-bearded peasants are repairing shoes.
Sometimes leprechauns come to people on their own and help them, but only if the person knows how to play an Irish folk instrument and has no selfish intentions.
After you catch the leprechaun, you must never take your eyes off him, otherwise this nimble shoemaker will immediately disappear. The leprechauns exchange their freedom first for a silver shilling, which has the property of returning to its owner, and then for a gold one, which turns into an ordinary leaf in the pocket of the new owner. Do not agree to such an exchange, but ask for a pot of gold, however, and here you need to keep your ears open, as the leprechaun constantly strives to deceive.
But the best way to exchange the freedom of a creature is to demand from him the fulfillment of three desires. Such magic was awarded to the Irish cobblers by fairies. But leprechauns resort to this method as a last resort.