Demons serve the dark forces, namely Satan himself. By order of Satan, his servants deceive people. If Satan is one, his servants are demons, very, very many! According to scripture, Jesus Christ himself once expelled these unclean people from a person possessed by them. Then Christ asked: "What is your name, unclean one?", And the demons answered him: "Our name is Legion, because we are many!"

Who are demons?
According to religious teachings and hoaxes, demons are the tempters of humanity. In the old days, many people believed that every person had a demon on his left shoulder who whispered various bad advice into his left ear. This explains the fact that people spit over their left shoulder three times so as not to jinx it. The balance for the demon is a guardian angel sitting on the right shoulder of a person and giving him good advice, and the person himself chooses whose recommendations to listen to.
How do they look?
Different religious and mystical essays describe demons in different ways. However, it is believed that the most accurate and detailed description of demons is found in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas". Gogol describes the demons in the following way: “A narrow muzzle, constantly twirling around and sniffing at everything that came across. It ends, like our pigs, in a round patch. The demon's legs are so thin that if the Jaresk's head had them, it would have broken them in the first cossack."
Then Nikolai Vasilyevich proceeds to a more detailed description of these unclean ones: “Behind the demons hangs a tail, so sharp and long. A goatee hangs under the muzzle, and small horns sticking out on the head sit above the muzzle. Demons are no whiter than chimney sweeps. In the end, Gogol summarizes that the demon is just an ordinary devil, staggering around the world and teaching the sins of good people. According to folklore studies, these are the demons that have always been represented in Russia.
According to legends and essays, demons have an interesting feature: wherever they appear, they always dress in the way that is typical for a given area. For example, demons appearing in Russia dress in European style, while in Europe they dress like "Moors" or "Turks", that is, as in the East. According to some essays, Lithuanian demons dress in Polish national clothes (boots and kuntush).
What have the demons beguiled?
So they say when a person has done something bad, which he did not seem to want to do. It is in this case that they say: “The demon pushed” or “The demon beguiled”. Then it is considered that the person is not, as it were, to blame for his offense. It's all the fault of the demon who seduced him. Of course, in the modern world, this statement is not considered an excuse and is not taken into account at all. By the way, some demons enter people through their mouths: when a person swears, he opens the way for demons!