By What Principle Is The Moscow Region Divided Into Near, Middle And Far

By What Principle Is The Moscow Region Divided Into Near, Middle And Far
By What Principle Is The Moscow Region Divided Into Near, Middle And Far

The so-called belts of the Moscow region traditionally have three: near, middle and far. However, not everyone will be able to explain by what principle the Moscow region is divided into these three geographical units.

By what principle is the Moscow region divided into near, middle and far
By what principle is the Moscow region divided into near, middle and far

Experts assure that there is no need to put an end to the cities of the distant Moscow region. Today they are also developing quite intensively, due to which they can be no less competitive than satellite cities.

Realtors and other real estate professionals quite often juggle in their speech such a term as distance belts. It is with its help that they can compose a gradation of residential properties according to the convenience of their location, the cost per square meter and the demand among the population when buying and renting real estate.

The Moscow region was no exception. Rather, on the contrary, territorial division is the most relevant for him. After all, land in the capital region is very expensive. So, for example, the near Moscow region, which is located as close to the metropolis as possible, will favorably differ from the average and even more distant both due to transport accessibility, and due to more developed infrastructure, etc.

What is the principle of division

Despite the fact that distance belts are a conditional concept, they should not be discounted. The nearest belt of the Moscow Region is considered to be no more than 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road (in some sources, cities located at a distance of up to 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road are called the Moscow Region). The average distance zone is up to 30 km, everything else is already considered the distant suburbs.

Real estate specialists assure that these figures are somewhat underestimated, and have made their own rating. Taking into account consumer demand, it was revealed that the near Moscow region can be safely called the regions of the region that are located up to 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The middle Moscow region stretches at a distance of 20 to 50 km from the capital's ring road. Well, further is the distant one.

The advantages and disadvantages of such zones

The near Moscow region is primarily more profitable and in demand among those who work in Moscow. After all, getting within 15 km is much closer and faster than 50 or 70. Most often, cities located in the immediate vicinity of the territorial borders of Moscow are called satellite cities. It is in them that economic growth is observed today: housing is being built, infrastructure is being developed, transport problems are being solved, etc.

Satellite cities are rather easy to confuse with sleeping districts of the capital. Outwardly, they are not particularly different, and are often taken into account in the development plans of the capital.

The cost of real estate in the near Moscow region is approaching the capital prices. As for transport accessibility, sometimes it will take less time to get to the center of Moscow from some satellite cities by train than to get from the sleeping area of the capital by metro.

This option also has a rather significant disadvantage - not very good ecology. It, of course, will be slightly better than in the metropolis itself, however, the air quality is seriously affected by the transit cars and the dense population of the area.

The middle suburbs are somewhat inferior in comparison with their neighbors. his transport accessibility is not so good, and not everyone is ready to spend several hours a day on the road. However, it is popular due to the fact that the apartments here are significantly cheaper. Moreover, you can take a good apartment with decoration for the same money that will be spent on purchasing an abandoned living space of smaller squares in the near Moscow region. The ecology here will already be noticeably better.

More often families with children choose the middle Moscow region, for whom fresh air is extremely important.

Experts often call the far Moscow region an inert region. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to go to work in Moscow from it, because the journey may take 2 hours or more. However, it should be borne in mind that in the cities of this remoteness belt today their own infrastructure is actively developing, due to which the need for daily trips to Moscow disappears.

Such a zone is perfect for those who want to buy housing, but they do not have enough funds for more expensive real estate. Despite the noticeable remoteness of the distant Moscow region from the capital, it, as a single region, has all the rights and privileges. Moreover, all these advantages will not differ in any way from those that are available to residents of the nearby Moscow region.

Of the minuses - in the far suburbs, in view of its not particularly great popularity, there are quite a lot of old and dilapidated housing stock. The primary housing market is not very well developed. Transport accessibility is crucial for such cities. If it is well developed, there is a bus service, there is a direct railway line, etc. - the area acquires a certain prestige and demand among consumers.

Disputes related to the division of the Moscow region

Many experts believe that the division, albeit conditional, of the Moscow region into regions is incorrect. After all, the region is a single whole, which has equal rights and responsibilities.

However, the press even exaggerated questions about the planned division of the Moscow region into 2 parts: everything that is up to the 101st km should be taken and annexed to Moscow, thus expanding the metropolis; join the rest of the area to nearby areas. However, the matter did not go further than conversations.

Today, the Moscow region in some directions also receives a significant bonus from the capital's mayors - Moscow metro lines have begun to be extended to satellite cities.
