What Is Frivolity

What Is Frivolity
What Is Frivolity

When you hear about someone "frivolous", it immediately becomes clear that this person is not trustworthy. Some people associate the word "frivolity" with fun, but this is not so.

What is frivolity
What is frivolity

What is frivolity

Frivolity comes from two words - "easy" and "think." But thinking easily does not mean not having difficulty with the thought process. Rather, frivolity can be equated with frivolity, i.e. thoughtlessness, recklessness, frivolity, recklessness. Frivolity can be described as uncertainty.

Surely in your environment there is a person about whom you can say: "frivolous." It is not at all necessary that this person is young, he has no life experience. Despite even his mature years, this person acts frivolously and carelessly. It is as if he never leaves childhood, but adolescence is forgivable for the lack of responsibility for his actions. We can say that a child or a young man has not yet found himself in this life. An adult who, having lived up to his age, has not decided on the measure of his responsibility, does not deserve to be called an adult.

The more responsibility a person bears, the more his mind is in tension. Hence, the brain develops. And if there is no responsibility, then the mind remains in its infancy. From this we can conclude that frivolity is stupidity.

Who is frivolous

Frivolity is inherent in people with a gentle character, optimists and dreamers. Frivolous people do not have a definite opinion on a specific issue, and if they do, they easily change it. Because of this, they are very difficult to trust. But you still need to trust so that a person learns to take responsibility. True, you have to constantly expect a catch, that you can be let down.

Quite often, frivolous people are gullible, but at the same time stubborn. All attempts to guide such a person on the right path are at best ignored by them, and at worst end in resentment.

Frivolity means a kind of freedom. This is freedom from life's difficulties, from problems, from responsibility. Problems and difficulties do not go away on their own, just a frivolous person pretends that they do not exist.

Such people do not want to do anything that does not correspond to their mood or desires. They live only for today, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Frivolous people do not form strong relationships, do not try to achieve something in life. At the same time, they are not inclined to indulge in despondency and sadness if they are overtaken by setbacks or losses.

How to reeducate a frivolous person

Re-educating a frivolous person is very difficult. In order for it to become serious, strong upheavals in life are needed, such as the loss of a job, a loved one, a serious injury. But sometimes they are not able to correct the irresponsible and windy nature.