Distinctive Features Of The Official Business Style Of The Text

Distinctive Features Of The Official Business Style Of The Text
Distinctive Features Of The Official Business Style Of The Text

The language used in different fields of activity differs, in addition, it can be very different from the spoken language. For such spheres of public life as science, office work, jurisprudence, politics and the media, there are subtypes of the Russian language, which have their own characteristic features, both lexical and morphological, syntactic and textual. Has its own stylistic features and official business text.

Distinctive features of the official business style of the text
Distinctive features of the official business style of the text

Why do you need a formal business style for correspondence

The official business style of the text is one of the functional subtypes of the Russian language, which is used only in one specific case - when conducting business correspondence in the field of social and legal relations. It is implemented in the economy, lawmaking, managerial and economic activities. In writing, its sample is called a document and can, in fact, be a letter, and an order, and a normative act.

Business documents at any time can be presented to the court as evidence, since they, by virtue of their specifics, have legal force.

Such a document has legal significance, its author acts, as a rule, not as a private person, but is an authorized representative of the organization. Therefore, increased requirements are imposed on any official business text to eliminate ambiguity and ambiguity of interpretation. Also, the text should be communicatively accurate and adequately reflect the reality and the thoughts that the author expresses.

The main features of the formal business style

The main feature of official business communication is the standardization of the phraseological phrases used, it is with its help that communicative accuracy is ensured, giving any document legal force. These standard phrases make it possible to exclude ambiguity of interpretation, therefore, in such documents, it is quite possible to repeat the same words, names and terms repeatedly.

An official business document must necessarily have requisites - output data, and specific requirements are also imposed on their location on the page.

The text written in this style is emphatically logical and emotionless. It should be extremely informative, so thoughts have strict formulations, and the very presentation of the situation should be restrained, using stylistically neutral words and expressions. The use of any phrases that carry an emotional load, expressions used in common parlance, and even more so slang, is excluded.

To avoid ambiguity in a business document, personal demonstrative pronouns ("he", "she", "they") are not used, since in the context of two nouns of the same kind, ambiguity or contradiction may appear. As a consequence of the prerequisite for consistency and argumentation, in a business text, when writing, complex sentences are used with a large number of alliances that convey the logic of relations. For example, constructions that are not often used in ordinary life are used, including conjunctions of the type: "due to the fact", "on the subject of what."
