How To Install An Installation

How To Install An Installation
How To Install An Installation

Table of contents:


Various codecs and programs are used for the correct and stable operation of computers. As a rule, all programs that need to be installed come as an installation, and most novice users have no idea how to install an installation from a disk.

How to install an installation
How to install an installation


Step 1

Turn on the personal computer or laptop where the installation will be performed. Your PC must have a DVD-ROM or CD-ROM.

Step 2

Take a disc that contains the programs or codecs you need, insert it into the drive of your machine. Wait for the system to detect and automatically start the disc. If the automatic start does not happen, do the following.

Step 3

Open My Computer. Select the drive by double-clicking on the indicated disk with the left mouse button. Find the appropriate section in the menu that opens. Go to the required section (office programs, multimedia, programs for the Internet and others). Select the program or codec you need to install. Remember, any installation file will have an ".exe" extension.

Step 4

Run the file by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button or by highlighting and pressing "enter". Automatically, the installation path will be drive "C", you can change the path by specifying any other, however, it is not recommended to install programs on other local drives, as they may not work properly in the future. Wait for the installation to complete. Click ok or done.

Step 5

Reboot your system. After installing the program or codec, you may also have a choice between "restart the computer now" and "postpone the action". In this case, it is necessary to tick the box “reboot”, since it is after such an action that the codec or the program will fully work on your machine.

Step 6

If for some reason it was not possible to install from the disk or the necessary program is not there, you can always download the necessary material from the Web and install it on your PC in the same way. You just need to run the installation file downloaded to the specified location and perform all further actions in the same way as when installing from a disk. Do not forget to restart your PC OS after installation.
