Bath brooms are different. Each of them has special health properties. To choose the most suitable broom for yourself, it is worth considering the advantages of its various types.

Step 1
In central Russia, the most common birch broom. It is flexible, durable, comfortable. In addition, the healing properties of buds, leaves, sap, birch bark have long been known in folk medicine. As shown by the chemical analysis of the leaves of this tree, they contain provitamin A, vitamin C, tannins, essential oil. To make a broom, it is better to use branches of curly birch - they are flexible and thick, they are well preserved, and the leaves do not become slippery under the influence of steam.
Step 2
An oak broom is also good in a bath. It is highly durable. If you prepare it on time (in August-September), such a broom will be enough for 3-4 visits to the bath. Oak leaves are quite dense and wide, they are not difficult to pump steam. In addition, they are moderately dry, which makes it easier to post. The bark and foliage of this tree contains a lot of tannins, and therefore oak infusions and decoctions are used for severe sweating of the legs and some skin diseases (for example, weeping eczema).
Step 3
The eucalyptus broom is most commonly used in the Caucasus. Eucalyptus leaves have valuable medicinal properties. If you sprinkle the wooden walls of the steam room with this infusion, and then add it to the hot stones, then, in addition to the general antiseptic, you can also feel the inhalation effect. When you breathe through your nose, your trachea, larynx, bronchi will be warmed up with fragrant steam. The following method of inhalation is also very good: moisten a broom (preferably eucalyptus) in an infusion of eucalyptus, press it to your face and breathe through your nose.
Step 4
The leaves of this tree are most healing in late autumn, namely in November - early December. It is advisable to make the broom itself in August. The disadvantage of this broom is that its branches are too thin. Therefore, when whipping, you need to spend extra energy on waving your arms, and in the steam room you should save energy. For this reason, it is recommended to use a combined broom: add 2-3 eucalyptus branches to an oak or birch broom. Thanks to this trick, it is convenient to take a steam bath, and the healing effect remains.
Step 5
In recent years, in city baths, it has become less common to steam with a nettle broom. But 15-20 years ago, it was often used in Domnikovsky, Sandunovsky, Astrakhan, Samotechny baths. You may be surprised, because nettles can burn yourself, and in the old days they were even punished with them. However, if such a broom is prepared correctly, it will be very grateful to those who have aching joints, ache in the lower back, that is, people who suffer from sciatica, gout, rheumatism. Lashing the body with nettles also has a noticeable rejuvenating effect.
Step 6
A nettle broom should be knitted small and specially prepared before stitching: transfer from hot water to cold water 2 times for 2-3 minutes. Then you can whip at least the stomach - there will be no burn. If for medicinal purposes it is necessary for the nettle to burn, lower the broom in boiling water for 1-2 seconds, and steam only after your skin is properly warmed up. They need to tap lightly, then the beneficial effect of such a procedure will be better.
Step 7
A pine broom should be steeped in boiling water for 15-20 minutes to soften. The skin must first be prepared for its effects by lying in a steam room for 5-7 minutes. If you have very sensitive skin, it is advisable to completely abandon the use of needles. For a broom, you can also use walnut, maple, ash. Well, if all this is nowhere to be found, you can replace the broom with an ordinary terry towel, no more than 1 meter long. Take it in your hand in the middle and steam it in the same way as with a broom.