Some of the hookah fans compare the process of smoking it with certain philosophical teachings, following which you can go into your inner world. Undoubtedly, the correct choice of such a component of the hookah as coal is the most important part of the whole ceremony of smoking it.

Hookah charcoal characteristics
The charcoal used for hookah smoking is divided into two groups - chemical (self-igniting) and natural. Natural types are divided into coconut and other types of charcoal. Natural ones, as a rule, take longer to ignite, but they keep the heat longer. Chemical coal is kindled in a matter of seconds, but its heat transfer is too high and it smolders faster.
Coconut charcoal
According to most smokers, the coconut type is the best charcoal. It fires up the longest, but its heat smolders for quite a long time. Replacement of this type of coal will be required no earlier than in half an hour. Also, coconut charcoal does not affect the taste of tobacco and does not emit harmful substances with smoke. It takes about 15 minutes to light it up.
The stores sell natural charcoal made from lemon tree and olive pits. These types are often used in the east - they provide the optimal temperature for smoking and do not give off odors to the smoke. But these coals change frequently and need to be crushed from time to time, which can complicate the smoking process a little.
There are flavored versions of charcoal available. Due to the addition of aromatic substances, the smell of the resins will not be felt.
Self-igniting coal
The priority quality of such coal is the ability to obtain a quick result in the form of a ready-made hookah. Firing up takes no more than half a minute, which is many times faster than using coconut or charcoal. But its main disadvantages are an unpleasant odor during ignition and further smoking. Its use allows the appearance of strong sparks during the smoking process, as well as a short burning period.
Should you choose chemical coal?
Self-igniting coal is made from several components - dry alcohol or saltpeter. In any case, it is necessary to avoid saltpeter coals, since they can hardly be called good. They have a pungent and unpleasant odor and also distort the taste of the tobacco. Coals made from dry alcohol are much better, but still far from ideal.
Electric coal is considered ideal. Its action is to blow air through the incandescent coil. Such coal does not emit odor and carbon monoxide. But it is not cheap, so it is not very popular.
Rules for the use of chemical coal
Before use, the coal must be completely ignited; there must be no black areas on its surface. To do this, he should lie down for a while on the hookah. To achieve the best result, you can blow on it a little. Coals of this kind should be kindled only in ventilated areas.