Questions of a different nature often bother people, and at such moments it may be necessary to receive urgent assistance in a particular matter. There are various state and city services that help citizens in solving legal, personal, housing and other issues.

Step 1
Find out the phone numbers of the city's major emergency services. Usually, by number 01 or 112 you can call the rescue service, 02 - the police, 03 - ambulance, 04 - Gorgaz, etc. However, the situation you want to report must be important and require the intervention of competent services, otherwise your call will be considered a false call.
Step 2
Contact the city information service from your home phone number 09. Here you can find out the addresses and phone numbers of various organizations and people, their current location and some other information. To help you, you will need to provide the operator with some data from your personal documents.
Step 3
The support service is also available on the Internet. Usually it is attached to a site, and a dedicated support person answers questions from users and visitors. Find the link "Help" or "Technical support" on the main page of the site you need, and by clicking on it, you will find out the address, phone number or e-mail for communication.
Step 4
Similar services are provided by the majority of Russian mobile operators. They have a special service with an answering machine and links to certain questions. Find out the support phone number on the website of your mobile operator. First, the answering machine "communicates" with the caller, and then forwards it to the desired section. If you wait a while, you will be contacted by an office employee of the support center who will answer all your questions.
Step 5
Various Internet sites also have a special feedback service, including official resources of state and city legal and government organizations: pension fund, housing fund, sites of the deputy duma, etc. In these services, you can get all of you information on civil cases of interest.