The habit of eating at night is akin to the habit of smoking - everyone knows that it is harmful, but they cannot deny themselves the pleasure of filling their belly. Both fat and thin people are prone to this habit, but especially those who return home late at night suffer from it. It is necessary to unlearn eating at night only because the body must fully rest during sleep, and not suffer, trying to digest everything that you have tamped into it in the evening.

Step 1
If during the working day you did not find time to have a snack, and returned home late, it is natural that you will not be able to fall asleep on an empty stomach. When this happens rarely enough, it cannot be called a habit, and there is no need to worry too much. Another thing is when after having dinner, after a while you feel the desire to have a snack, even without feeling hungry. This is already a psychological addiction, from which you can try to get rid of by self-hypnosis.
Step 2
Fool yourself and your stomach, try to skip the sandwich and instead eat a teaspoon of bran and wash it down with a glass of water. It will not be very tasty, but healthy, and the stomach will feel full when it is filled with swollen bran. Instead of water, you can drink them with green tea without sugar if you have problems with being overweight. Kill your overwhelming appetite with low-calorie foods - green apples, leafy vegetables.
Step 3
Make it a rule to go for an evening walk at a time when you are drawn to the refrigerator. Come back before you go to bed to have time only to take a shower and brush your teeth. By the way, brushing your teeth is the strongest psychological "counterbalance" to night raids on the refrigerator. After this procedure, your body realizes that there is nothing to hope for, and it has nothing to do but sleep peacefully.
Step 4
Eat often, but little by little. Be sure to eat well throughout the day, i.e. you should have a hearty breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack in the form of a couple of hard-boiled eggs or apples. This will help you come home less hungry, especially if you come back late.
Step 5
Even if you force yourself not to eat too much at night for 5 days, your psychological dependence will already be significantly weakened. Therefore, gather your willpower and endure this time. Note that when you are carried away, you can forget about everything in the world. Distract yourself from the thoughts about food that often come up when you're bored.