Water is the most important component of the human body. Everyone knows the simple truth that it is necessary to consume at least 1-1.5 liters of clean drinking water daily. However, in practice, units adhere to this rule. Lack of water in the body can lead to serious metabolic problems and, in general, to dehydration. To avoid this, you need to pay attention to the following possible signs in time.

Step 1
Dry skin
Dry skin may indicate a lack of fluid in the body. Through it, accumulated toxins and toxins are removed, and a lack of water can lead to a lack of sweat and the inability of the body to get rid of harmful substances.
Step 2
Constant thirst and dry mouth
The constant presence of dry mouth and thirst is another sign that may indicate a lack of water in the body. Moreover, such a thirst can torment even after you have already drunk a decent amount of liquid. Pay attention to this symptom and try to quench your thirst only with pure water, excluding sugary soft drinks, coffee, and even more alcohol.
Step 3
Changes in the color and volume of urine
The number of daily urinations for each individual. However, if you notice that you have become much less likely to go to the toilet due to small need, and the urine has darkened at the same time, you should pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed.
Step 4
Increased heart rate and pulse, lowering blood pressure
For low blood pressure, as well as a rapid heart rate, thickening and viscosity of the blood are characteristic. This happens because the blood loses water and decreases in volume, which means that there is a violation of blood circulation and the work of the heart as a whole. As a result of excessive stress on the heart and thick blood, the cells of the body may not receive enough oxygen, which, along with dehydration, can lead to oxygen starvation.
Step 5
Dry eyes
Regular hydration of the eyeball is the key to the health of your eyes. However, if you notice redness or even mild itching mixed with dryness, drink a glass of water, perhaps your eyes are now experiencing a moisture deficit.
Step 6
Sleepiness and chronic fatigue
If you stop getting enough sleep at night, you overwork very quickly, and even a cup of strong coffee does not save you, such symptoms may be a sure sign of a lack of fluid in the body and possible oxygen starvation. If your body needs more water, it will still draw it from your blood, cells and organs. Therefore, do not aggravate the situation, replenish this water supply yourself in time.
Step 7
Joint pain
Painful sensations in the joints are a sure sign of a lack of fluid in the body. The fact is that our articular cartilage consists of more than 80% water. It prevents cartilage from abrasion, making it soft and supple. If the body begins to experience a lack of water, the cartilaginous discs can rub against each other, causing discomfort and pain.
Step 8
Digestive tract problems
A decrease in the amount of fluid in the body can negatively affect the digestive system as a whole. Reducing the amount of mucus in your stomach leads to more acid activity, which damages your organs. There is a feeling of heartburn and burning in the digestive tract, which can lead to serious disorders.
Step 9
Decreased muscle mass
Be sure to drink plenty of water even during exercise, as a decrease in muscle mass can also indicate a lack of fluid in the body.
Step 10
Signs of premature aging
As you get older, pay more attention to the amount of fluid you consume during the day. The fact is that with age, the body begins to retain less and less moisture, leading to dehydration of your internal organs. To prevent this from happening, and you do not feel the premature signs of aging and other more serious problems, make it a rule to drink as much drinking water as possible without taking into account all other liquids consumed.