On busy weekdays, it is often necessary to complete all the tasks before going to bed, or wake up early with the same purpose. Recently, notes began to appear on the Internet that, it turns out, if you want, you can sleep only two hours a day.

Step 1
For a long time, scientists have found out that a person's sleep occurs in different phases. In the first few hours, the deep sleep phase passes, and closer to morning sleep becomes more superficial and intermittent. Moreover, if you go to bed late, the first phase may never come, as a result, the person will not be able to rest completely. Therefore, experts recommend going to bed earlier, preferably after 21:00. Of course, you won't be able to get enough sleep in two hours, but if, for example, you work the night shift, you can recuperate for a while before going on it.
Step 2
Ukrainian blogger Alexey Mas published a detailed plan in which he told how to get enough sleep in two hours a day, while feeling great. To do this, he proposes to use a philosophical method based on the understanding that sleep is the avoidance of various problems, troubles, as well as the desire to work and just live. If you give up all this and tune in to the positive, trying to get only joy and pleasure from life, anyone can get a good night's sleep in just two hours. At the same time, you can go to bed at any time, as soon as the body itself wants it.
Step 3
In addition, there is a special science - valeology. Representatives of this field believe that the healthiest sleep lasts from 7 to 22 hours. At this time, renewal processes are actively taking place in the body, therefore, only an hour of sleep during this period is able to recuperate, as if a person had slept for many hours.
Step 4
However, doctors argue that there are still no sufficiently effective ways to shorten sleep without harming health. On average, a person needs to sleep at least 5.5 hours, which is a little over three sleep cycles. This is the only way to restore strength, although a person is unlikely to feel sleepy. You should listen to your body and understand how many hours it actually needs to rest.