Why Vodka Will Rise In Price

Why Vodka Will Rise In Price
Why Vodka Will Rise In Price

Rosalkogolregulirovanie from July 1, 2012 changes the size of the minimum retail price for a standard bottle of vodka. If before that it was 99 rubles for 0.5 liters at retail, then after the introduction of the new price vodka will rise in price to 125 rubles. Thus, an overall increase in the cost of spirits is expected by an average of 28%.

Why vodka will rise in price
Why vodka will rise in price

The talks about the planned increase in prices for alcoholic beverages have been going on for a long time. Economists noted that the cost of less than 100 rubles for a bottle of vodka does not correspond to economic realities. Taking them into account, given the current tax rates and prices for alcohol, the price of a half-liter bottle should be no less than 130 rubles.

The draft order to raise prices for spirits, signed by the head of Rosalkogolregulirovanie Igor Chuyannom, sets new prices for the entire distribution chain. Thus, the minimum selling price is set at 99 rubles for the manufacturer, wholesalers will pay 109 rubles for this product, and a retail buyer - 125 rubles.

The cost of all alcoholic beverages, the strength of which exceeds the mark of 28 degrees, changes. This category also includes liqueurs and liqueurs. The minimum price set for them will be in direct proportion to the number of degrees in the drink. In the calculation, one alcoholic degree is equal to 3, 125 rubles.

Cognacs and brandy will rise in price in the lower price category. For them, the minimum cost of a half-liter bottle for the manufacturer will be 174 rubles, for wholesalers - 191 rubles, and such cognac will be sold at retail for 219 rubles. The minimum price for a bottle of brandy will be 190 rubles.

Officials cite the increase in the excise tax as the reason for the increase in the price of alcohol. This increase is planned for 2015. If now entrepreneurs pay 254 rubles to the state treasury as excise taxes for a liter of pure alcohol, then in a little over a couple of years this amount will increase to 600 rubles for all drinks with a strength above 9 degrees.

So we can confidently predict a further rise in alcohol prices. The chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, hopes that such prices will make alcohol unaffordable for young people. But according to the experience of past years, one can be sure that the amount of "burned" alcohol will increase, as well as that home brewing will flourish again.
