Many are sometimes seized by an irresistible desire to eat barbecue. However, certain circumstances often do not allow to go to nature, and therefore people often decide to take a very risky step - to cook barbecue at home on the balcony.

What is fraught with cooking kebabs on the balcony
Firewood combustion products will rise up the floors, creating a fire hazard. This danger is especially relevant if linen is being dried on top of the balcony or flammable materials such as paper are stored.
Upon contact of fat and coal released from meat, acrid smoke is generated, leaving soot on the ceiling, which is also prohibited by fire safety rules.
Often trying to avoid these circumstances, people decide to fry barbecue on the roof of a high-rise building, completely forgetting that the roof of the roof often consists of such flammable substances as bitumen and roofing felt, which can ignite from just one spark.
In addition, cooking kebabs at home is not to the liking of medical workers, according to which, this idea can negatively affect human health. The main argument given by doctors is that the combustion waste emanating from coal can harm the respiratory tract of a person. As a rule, opening balcony windows is not enough for normal air circulation.
Kebabbing in a confined space increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Possible ways to cook barbecue in a high-rise building
If you still want to cook a barbecue at home very much, then there are still safe options for how to do this. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, an electric grill. These devices allow you to cook a very tasty barbecue in a short time and, at the same time, in their arsenal there are a number of important protective functions, including such an important function as turning off the barbecue when it falls.
However, electric barbecues, in any case, are not able to give the meat the same taste that is characteristic of ordinary barbecue, soaked in special smoke from the coals. And therefore, another possible method of cooking kebabs on the balcony is often to your liking - hanging barbecues, which are installed on the railing in the same way as flower boxes, and have small, convenient sizes.
Making a fire on the territory of a residential building is a gross violation of fire safety rules.
However, it is worth noting that the use of these structures, although it is safer than using ordinary barbecues, nevertheless, still carries a certain risk of fire, and therefore it seems that there is still no worthwhile alternative to electric barbecues.