To become the owner of your own apartment these days is not an easy task. Real estate prices "bite", and it is almost impossible for a person with an average income to get a loan or mortgage from a bank. It remains to save money for living space.

To begin with, it is important to determine exactly how much you need to buy an apartment. Study the housing market, choose the appropriate option in terms of area, location and price. So you will have before your eyes an approximate figure that needs to be accumulated. Knowing even the approximate cost, you can draw up an action plan: calculate your income and expenses and determine how long it will take to collect the required amount. Do not forget about possible inflation, devaluation and financial crises that can affect the rise in property prices. This is also worth considering when saving money.
Tighten the belt tighter
Make it a rule to save a certain amount from each salary. At a minimum, it should be 10% of your earnings. Also review all your expenses. Think about what you can save on, what to refuse. For example, quit smoking, stop buying clothes that you can do without, and give up expensive foods. Stop using public transport if you can walk to work. Calculate how much money you spend on mobile services, internet, utilities. Find ways to cut those costs too. If you are used to going to a cafe or cooking during lunchtime, get rid of this habit and take food with you from home. All savings should be sent to the piggy bank. And so that there is no temptation to spend them, the money should be deposited. It is best to choose one where you can replenish your account at any time. Thus, you will not only save the savings, but also get additional interest.
Additional income
Find additional income. Write abstracts and term papers, become a copywriter. Do handicrafts, for example, knit warm clothes, make jewelry or souvenirs, recently, handmade is very much appreciated. Walk your dogs for a fee. Plant ornamental flowers and sell the scions. Are you good at repairing household appliances and office equipment? Advertise that you provide such services. Do not refuse if you are asked to work overtime in your main job. In general, do not miss any opportunity to earn extra money. And save all funds from additional earnings on a bank deposit.
Perhaps it will take more than one year to make your dream come true - to raise money and buy your own apartment. However, if you have patience, gather all your will into a fist and do not give up halfway, you will soon celebrate a housewarming on your honestly earned square meters.