How Child Support Is Paid In The States

How Child Support Is Paid In The States
How Child Support Is Paid In The States

Divorce proceedings in the States usually entail material security for one of the spouses, therefore, employees of legal companies take its implementation as seriously as possible.

alimony in the States
alimony in the States

Russian mothers in the process of divorcing their husbands are far from always able to achieve alimony payments as financial assistance for children. In the United States, the situation is radically different, former spouses very often contain not only joint children, but also their former halves, and this applies not only to men, but also to women, which is very typical for a century of rapidly developing emancipation.

According to official figures in the States, women who pay child support are not yet so common. A couple of years ago, only 3% of all husbands who survived a divorce received material payments of such a plan, but according to experts, the number of such men is increasing more and more rapidly.

A good reason for divorce is if the spouses do not live with each other for a long time or if they are shared by some irreconcilable conflicting views. All this suggests that a serious approach is being taken to the divorce proceedings.

Calculation and payment of alimony

In almost all states, accrued alimony is paid until one of the former spouses marries or marries. But there are states where such terms are limited. For example, in Florida, this time period is two years, since it is believed that this time is quite enough for a divorced spouse, who has not previously worked, to learn to raise material resources on his own.

The amount of alimony assigned directly depends on how long the marriage lasted. If you have lived together for less than 11 years, for Florida this period is considered relatively short. The longer the divorce itself lasts, the more expensive it is. There were quite a few cases when spouses united in a common sense of opposition to lawyers. The average period for which a spouse is divorced lasts from one to three years, and during this time a legal worker takes as much money as for an expensive heart surgery.

Payments to spouses - is it right?

Most of the supporters of a limited period for the payment of such alimony are sure that they are very harmful, since they slow down the beginning of his completely new life for a spouse receiving such material assistance. Many women deliberately do not marry, they try in every possible way to maintain their lonely state. As for the second half, which pays funds, in order to stop this process, they go to deception or to completely destroy their careers. In other words, such people are deeply unhappy.
