Lilac is a perennial plant belonging to the shrub genus. There are a large number of species and varieties of lilacs. The area of distribution is immense. This is all of Europe and Asia, including China. It is found as a wild subspecies growing everywhere, as well as selective varieties of lilacs. Lilac blooms annually, starting with the first warm spring, and later varieties can bloom in August.

Spring paints
Lilac bloom is a riot of colors. The bushes are covered with inflorescences from boiling white to dark purple, including pale pink. The scent of lilac flowers cannot be confused with any other. It is not without reason that it is very successfully exploited in perfumery and cosmetic production.
Fragrant flowers are collected in cone-shaped inflorescences. The calyx of the flower is four-petaled, from which a tubular flower leaf extends, ending in a flower with four petals. Many remember from childhood how they were looking for a flower with five petals, which had to be chewed to be happy.
Common lilacs are unpretentious, quite resistant to frost and droughts. The root system is very developed, which gives the bush the opportunity to receive adequate nutrition, even in loam.
Since 1943, breeding work has been carried out in Russia to domesticate wild-growing lilacs. As a result of selection selection, a variety of standard lilac was obtained, which is a tree with a branched crown. This variety is successfully used for landscaping squares and parks, it also took root in the areas of amateur gardeners.
Breeding lilacs
If the so-called "yard" varieties of lilacs are unpretentious, then varietal ones require some care. After planting the seedling in the root hole, it is watered abundantly, and the soil on the near-stem circle is mulched, that is, covered with peat chips or garden humus. During the growing season, the plants are repeatedly loosened to a depth of seven cm. From the age of two, the lilacs are fed, but not more often than once a season. Mullein is considered the most effective fertilizer; it is diluted in water at the rate of one part to five parts of water. The solution is poured over the ground around the lilac rhizome at a distance of half a meter from the base of the trunk.
During flowering, lilacs require abundant watering, the rest of the time, natural precipitation replenishes the need for moisture.
In early spring, you need to start pruning the branches. In bush species of lilacs, dry branches are cut out, and on the standard trees, you can make curly pruning, which in the future will turn the future crown into the shape of a ball or pyramid.
To combat pathogenic viruses, prevention is the most effective method. For this purpose, drugs of industrial production are used. Such drugs as "agate25K" and "athlete". The first preventive spraying is carried out during the growing season, repeated after a week.
There is a sign that if you do not cut off the flowering branches, then next year an inflorescence will not form in this place. Indeed, in place of the inflorescence, brown panicles with seed pods appear. It is necessary to remove flowering branches, just not breaking off the branches of the barbarian, but carefully cutting them off.